Friday, April 29, 2005

Dispute against Evolution

As some of you can see I happen to be rather free today and I'm also sick and tired of going through session ans session of apologetics with people who dispute the bible. SO, I'll take my turn at disputing evolution...COME ON!!!

Firstly how was the world created? A big bang? Within an insteant? Than let me ask WHAT create this big bang? OR was it a mear coincidence? Cause if it is a coincidence and life would be nothing be a coincidence than what is the purpose of living, why not we just all go and die now because there will be no purpose in life...

Evolution is said to happen billions of years ago, so how old is earth? Or as a matter of fact how old is the universe? If earth was created by a big bang, than how was the sun created? how the the moon create? how was mars created? All through big bangs?

If man evolved from apes. Why are there no apes turning into humans today? So instead of hair we comb our monkey far every morning? What is the link? Where is the link? Even Charles Darwin can't prove the link between man and apes.

What about human feelings? Are our feelings part of a "package plan" in evolution? If it is than explain the difference between humans, why do some feel more than others? What about the speaking of different languages different races was this all part of evolution as well? or is it again another BIG conincidence?

Why does the heart beat? Has science managed to prove why the heart beats? What about spirits? Did evolution mention anything about spirits?

Evolutionary theory predicts that related organisms will share similarities that are derived from common ancestors. So far evolution ask only predicted what things where and how things used to be, but has evolution managed to predict what will man or earth evolve to become in the furture? So, then is evolution happening today when we look into the furture? or does evolution only exist only when we look into the past?

So the next time somebody questions the existance of my God, please answer all the above question first.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Sometime its can get really bored....

Ok...I've got people telling me to post something on my blog...but really...what is there to post, I mean like nothing interesting is happening, what am I suppose to post???

Ok ermmm...finally ot down to writing my book on what ever knowledge I'm going to leave behind, playing my old PS2 games for a change(retro ley)... other than that, its been a bit boring everynow and then, although I'm enjoying the rest and still considering my offer from SMU and of course UQ has yet to send me the confirmation of emrollment, but thats pretty much it for now.

What else do you guys want tme to write, my dating stories? Thats history and its boring enough already. Thanks josh you really did make me a lot more boring, yah right...6 out of 10 quailites are boring, dude I was about the say the same for you lets address the following list to all my firends..

Josh you're just as boring as I am, Jem don't laugh you're somewhere around there too, James you're the most "hugable" I've even known, Weiwei press on the day is approaching(second coming), Shangjun thanks man the new guit rocks(but I'm still broke though), Lijun you can't sing loud but you can really whine, Esther did anyone ever tell you you have very good skin?, Glori! What the hack did you do to your hair its pink?, Tiff you're always loud, Tee you're the only girl who I know hates herself, Tng you're also becoming wired welcome to the club, Amos m&m now come in DARK chocolate flavour. And for the last time whats wrong with liking S.H.E. their not "xiao mei mei" thier at least 23 years old!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The decision is made....

Finally I've decided to go, go where? Well go to UQ for my studies its been such a struggle...

The person who is able to hold me back is on longer with me(that person was Daphne), will there be another such person...well I'm not sure about it myself either....

I gonna be for 2 years, is it a long time or will it just past with the blink of an eye? Noboy knows, whats going to happen when I get there? Will everything be ok, smooth running? Nobody knows, just too many questions in the air now, but never the less I've decided to go to UQ. Sometimes you just have to take this step of faith and left God do the rest..

Why is it such a struggle when nothing is holding me back anymore? That is a mystery to even myself...

However I do take back the phrase of "There is nothing left for me to stay behind for." because there is something for me to return to after all, my friends, my church, my family and lastly my memories.

Someone once asked me "Daniel do you really have to go?", I'm not going to answer that question, but look to the future and ask me "Daniel will you becoming back?" the answer is definatelly a "YES!!"...