Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Another one of those weird days..... was pretty weird....yah ermm weird....

Thing happened as usual, went out, went jogging learnt how to cook more food today's lesson was fried kue toew...I can't believe I'm actually learning how to cook...what is the world coming to...yah thats it I'm training to be a house husband...yah thats right if my future wife want to be the head of the family, I've got no complains, I'm happy staying at home everyday....YAH!!!hahahahaha

Today just feels funny, thats why I'm adding an entry for nothing...ok ok I'll just type some questions for reader to pounder upon...

"One must learn to obey before he can command."

"To love is to obey, to obey is to believe..than how can be love someone we do not know? or how can we believe someone we do not know?"

"To evngalise is easy, but what does it take to really make a deciple?"

"What does is mean to worship in spirit and in truth?"

"What is Salvation?"

"What does it mean to be useful for God?"

"What does it mean to carry your cross daily and follow him?"

"A New commandment I give unto you that you love(agape) one another as I have loved(agape) you" - Is this do-able?

Actually these are just some of the questions going through my head the past few days...and now as I looked a lot has happened...

And fianlly last but not least "Why do girls have to go to toilets in groups??!?!?!" can somebody please tag me with an answer?

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Best service ever experianced


That was the best service I've ever experianced, we did service this morning for our church(8.00am and 9.45am) and it was great.
Never felt that way before, maybe its becuase we all got of on the same focus as our worship leader Jeremy(God). Well, Jem tell you the truth I was actrually looking forward to you doing a "Don Moen" playing the keyboard and singing at the same time, actually thought it would be cool and different as well, but that again I do get your point of getting carried away and not focusing on God.

There is just something different about this morning's service, the musicians: Paul(Drums), Joel(Base), Glorijoy(Volin), Syn min(Keyboard), Shangjun(A/Guiter), Dorarity(Piano), the backup singers: Adeline, Joshua, Derek and Angie(She really sound like Sun Yan Zi), the Sound Crew: Lijun, Esther, Ziteng and me(Daniel) and of course our fearless leader Jeremy....for some reason or so we were all together...

The repackageing of hyms was amazing, the hyms sounds new, but the meaning is still there...and for the first time someone told me the sound was good....

But at the end of the day, good as things may be...

Friday, June 17, 2005

3 and 1/2 days of peace....followed....

Wow...the past 3 days was really peaceful, nobody to disturbe me, I could play "ROME: Total War" for the whole day and get to absorbed in it..fighting spartans...trying to crusade to Jerusalem..etc. Its like I have so much time to spend with myself that I don't know how to spend it sometimes, went jogging everyday, swimming on alternate nights...(thank God I'm still single otherwise I won't have time for all these...hehehehe)
This free time not only enables me to spend time with myself, but I do find myself praying more often, not as in praying and asking for something, but rather just praying and talking..yah sounds wired right? But to all my Christians friends, have you guys tried doing it? I'm sure its gonna be a very refreashing experiance....

And now the 3 1/2 days have ended, its like I've been thrown with a lot of home work out of a sudden....I'm not saying I hate doing verse study, but let me be prepared when you ask, don't do it out of a blue, I'll get shocked myself....

As to why, I was doing verse study on all those verses...well its another story for another time, for those who want to know, their Genesis 11:7 and Revelations 3:16, I do have notes on them rather detailed ones in fact and I'll be glade to explain them to anyone seeking an explaination....

So ends another chapter...

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Question, Question, Question, Questions

The following are a list of questions pertaining to how wired, both men and women are.
(guys please answer the men part, girls please answer the women part)

1. Why do girl go to the toilet in groups?
2. If there is the bra why invent the nipple tape?
3. Are cramp really THAT painful?
4. Is it impossible to survive with just 1 pair of slippers?
5. Do all your footware need to match your clothes?
6. Why do women take so long just to get dressed?
7. Is it really that difficult to read a road map?
8. If you move from point A to point B, you move from A to B, NOT A to C than to somewhere else....
9. Why are you constantly trying to prove that women are the greater sex? Cause if you really are, there won't be a need to.
10. Dose SIZE really matter?

1. How many of you does it take to just change a light bulb?
2. Why can't you talk while shaving?
3. Is male ego really THAT important?
4. If you even counted the number of people you listened to in life, minus your girlfriend, the number will always be ZERO...
5. If men need time alone, why do you aspect women to be around on demand?
6. Is it that diffucult to sit down a just LISTEN without giving comments?
7. Why do men always assume that bad drivers are women?(even though it is a fact)
8. Is it really that hard to use both sides of your brain to think?
9. I'm not saying men are the greater sex, I'm saying we are equal, can't you get this point right?
10. Does SIZE really matter?

Other than that I guess, whats left is "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
P.S. Please do not report me to some faminist accociation and neither am I gay.