Its been a few days, I hope you guys enjoy the pics..
Well, school has started I'm not very busy YET...yes yes some of you know I only get 3 subject tihs semister...blah blah blah...but I can see from the course mater that I only have 3 for a reason, try having to create 4 movies, a major proramming project and doing some sound designing at the same time...guess I'm not so free after all ah...
I don't know why I'm posting this but let me just say when your overseas alone, there are a few things that you're very easy to fall into...
1. Loosing the guard on your heart...why
Because sometimes you just feel alone and you really want company, and the first girl/guy that come along is like, BAM, she's a good target and will be great for this time... Well think again, getting into a wrong relationship dosen't just affect your life, it affects 2 people don't ever loose guard, the heart, more like our hearts, can REALLY tell us the wrong things at times...
2. Removing/Forgetting God from our lives
If you where online this afternoon, you would have seen my msn nick as "Overwhelmed with fustration" yes, I was very fed up, for the first time in 5 years I slamed a door, and houses in aussie are made out of wood, so the bang was really loud. Why was I fustrated, I did not get the class timings I wanted for 2 subjuects in a role, and I couldn't find a project partner because I didn't know anyone, and I started to say "How I wished I was back in Singapore, this won't happen..." Notice one thing in my entire tought process.....Well, for those who have yet to figured it out, I forgot to pray, I've totally forgotten about God in the mist of all this fustration, when I was walking to class, I just said "God please help me, I hate it when this happens...", it was more of a complaint in life than a prayer to God....Thank God He didn't decide to strike me dead.....
Lets just say...God answers prayers, even though it sounds more like a complain... someone just happen to approach me during pratical session, and I've now got a project partner, I didn't get my time slots though, but it dosen't matter, life is defiantelly NOT about what I want...
So people I leave you with this for today...Tune in next time for the story of a boy, direct from Australia...same time all the time same blog....hahahaha
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Monday, July 25, 2005
1 fine sunday....
Today is sunday..hahahaha, and guess what....
I attended a church in Ipswich Central, wow sounds good arh, Daniel attending church and all walking to church...blah blah blah, until I found out, the "methodist church" that I attending well, its a uniting church, and there are ONLY female pastor, and they believe in the catholic church and practices....
My house mate was like out of the church the minute she heard their paryer, I stayed for the sermon, they seem to have all the thing of a standard methodist church, singspration, scripture reading, sermon, benediction.... but their teachings seem very ritualized and YES they believe in the catholic church, which mean....I so NOT going there again....
Afternoon, I went to sunny bank a.k.a mini-chiantown....with my tursty little tour guide, yes, I really mean it trusty and little...she's non other than Tiffany, I'm sure some of you and imagine the amount of noise the 2 of us are capable of making....good thing sunny bank is still in one piece...ok it was really an eye opener to see another suburb of Queensland, and it looks just like china town, the first time I see more chinese than aussies here in Australia. The food was GREST, the shops were great, the prices were rather low, girls(Koreans and Japs) were great, and of course the whole place was great, looks like it's gonna be a place I visit on long weekends...
Just a bit of food for thought...
When I was at sunny bank, I saw Koreans, Japs, Hongkees, Taiwaniese guys, and their dressing was really ermm...lets just say it beats SG guys flat, we can dress up just as nice as them, but we just not doing it.....I don't know why but I seem to asked myself this question..."Does it please God, if I were to try and dress like them?" "Does it please God if I try to confirm to their style?" How I wished that everytime before I do something in life I'm able to ask this question, "By doing this....does it please God...?"
I attended a church in Ipswich Central, wow sounds good arh, Daniel attending church and all walking to church...blah blah blah, until I found out, the "methodist church" that I attending well, its a uniting church, and there are ONLY female pastor, and they believe in the catholic church and practices....
My house mate was like out of the church the minute she heard their paryer, I stayed for the sermon, they seem to have all the thing of a standard methodist church, singspration, scripture reading, sermon, benediction.... but their teachings seem very ritualized and YES they believe in the catholic church, which mean....I so NOT going there again....
Afternoon, I went to sunny bank a.k.a mini-chiantown....with my tursty little tour guide, yes, I really mean it trusty and little...she's non other than Tiffany, I'm sure some of you and imagine the amount of noise the 2 of us are capable of making....good thing sunny bank is still in one piece...ok it was really an eye opener to see another suburb of Queensland, and it looks just like china town, the first time I see more chinese than aussies here in Australia. The food was GREST, the shops were great, the prices were rather low, girls(Koreans and Japs) were great, and of course the whole place was great, looks like it's gonna be a place I visit on long weekends...
Just a bit of food for thought...
When I was at sunny bank, I saw Koreans, Japs, Hongkees, Taiwaniese guys, and their dressing was really ermm...lets just say it beats SG guys flat, we can dress up just as nice as them, but we just not doing it.....I don't know why but I seem to asked myself this question..."Does it please God, if I were to try and dress like them?" "Does it please God if I try to confirm to their style?" How I wished that everytime before I do something in life I'm able to ask this question, "By doing this....does it please God...?"
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Photos...of my room

Hmm, see something new??

My supply of food..

Things that make me feel at home...

My dressing table..

My study table...

My bed, yes yes, its an S.H.E. pillow

Just another angle of my room...

This is where I placed the can actually see it from the living room

Behind that door are all my clothes...
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Monday, July 18, 2005
Orientation Day 1
In a flash things has started... its orientation day 1...
And I actually know this Swedish guy thats says its hot here in aussie...oh man...
Ok for all you SMU, NUS, NTU people, guess what...I've only got to take 3 modules this semister, and for the rest of my semister, I don't have to take more than 4 modules, so it either 4 or 3 modules per semister...and I only like got to school 3 days a week...its like WOW....
Well, some people will say, I'm going to be very bored, others will say I will be wondering around aussie, sorry to disappoint, but you've all got it wrong, Dennis once asked me why do I want to loan away my PS2 when I'm in aussie, won't I get bored?...
Here is something new(maybe not so new), you guys can try...Have you even tried talking to God when you're bored? If not, why not try, you never know what He might teach you...
Ok so whats new, my entire family is here already, Dad and Sis, just came today...(spending power up by 100%)hahahahaha.....but I won't really have time to spend with them these few days, I'll be in school and all and this and that and getting my Uni admin stuff settled...blah blah... so hopefully one of these days I'll be able to do some late night shopping...HOPEFULLY....
Jeremy I still remember one of your request, before I left maybe I'll be able to forfill it soon...
And I actually know this Swedish guy thats says its hot here in aussie...oh man...
Ok for all you SMU, NUS, NTU people, guess what...I've only got to take 3 modules this semister, and for the rest of my semister, I don't have to take more than 4 modules, so it either 4 or 3 modules per semister...and I only like got to school 3 days a week...its like WOW....
Well, some people will say, I'm going to be very bored, others will say I will be wondering around aussie, sorry to disappoint, but you've all got it wrong, Dennis once asked me why do I want to loan away my PS2 when I'm in aussie, won't I get bored?...
Here is something new(maybe not so new), you guys can try...Have you even tried talking to God when you're bored? If not, why not try, you never know what He might teach you...
Ok so whats new, my entire family is here already, Dad and Sis, just came today...(spending power up by 100%)hahahahaha.....but I won't really have time to spend with them these few days, I'll be in school and all and this and that and getting my Uni admin stuff settled...blah blah... so hopefully one of these days I'll be able to do some late night shopping...HOPEFULLY....
Jeremy I still remember one of your request, before I left maybe I'll be able to forfill it soon...
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Chapter 3
Where is the church?
This I prayed : "Dear LORD, I am lost now, I don't know what to do and I need some help, I know You have a purpose for me here, but I just can't see it now. LORD I can't find a church, I can't even see one on my way here from the airport, please show me just one building? just one building with a cross on it, not something as nice as FMC, but just a simple building with a cross, I feel so far from You now, show me where I can serve You. I just feel so far now LORD, please guide me, I can't carry on by my own, LORD....this I pray is Jesus name..Amen"
I prayed for God to show me just 1 build with a cross on it....
HE SHOWED ME 3...and more...I took a bus to Ipswich central it made a wrong turn(which usually dosen't happen) and during the process of making that wrong turn and getting back on the correct route I saw 3 churches and a building named "Wesley Mission Ipswich", I not only found a chruch I found a methodist church and a missions center...UQ also has a chapel service and one of my house mates is in OCF, it dosen't stop there, God showed me more....
1 Cor 3:16 - Don't you know that you are a temple of God, and that God's Spirit lives in you?
So why do I feel far from God? Do you need a "church" to know that God is around? Do you need a "church" to start a cell group? Do you need a "church" to worship God? Not at all.. God is don't need a building.
Already with that much heart knowledge I can drift away and start having doubts, what more if I only had head knowledge, I would have forgotten about God and it would be really I eurge all of you to work in heart knowledge, cause if you're not well gorunded, it is realy VERY easy to drift.
WINNER: it dosen't matter who won this round, all Glory goes to God.
This I prayed : "Dear LORD, I am lost now, I don't know what to do and I need some help, I know You have a purpose for me here, but I just can't see it now. LORD I can't find a church, I can't even see one on my way here from the airport, please show me just one building? just one building with a cross on it, not something as nice as FMC, but just a simple building with a cross, I feel so far from You now, show me where I can serve You. I just feel so far now LORD, please guide me, I can't carry on by my own, LORD....this I pray is Jesus name..Amen"
I prayed for God to show me just 1 build with a cross on it....
HE SHOWED ME 3...and more...I took a bus to Ipswich central it made a wrong turn(which usually dosen't happen) and during the process of making that wrong turn and getting back on the correct route I saw 3 churches and a building named "Wesley Mission Ipswich", I not only found a chruch I found a methodist church and a missions center...UQ also has a chapel service and one of my house mates is in OCF, it dosen't stop there, God showed me more....
1 Cor 3:16 - Don't you know that you are a temple of God, and that God's Spirit lives in you?
So why do I feel far from God? Do you need a "church" to know that God is around? Do you need a "church" to start a cell group? Do you need a "church" to worship God? Not at all.. God is don't need a building.
Already with that much heart knowledge I can drift away and start having doubts, what more if I only had head knowledge, I would have forgotten about God and it would be really I eurge all of you to work in heart knowledge, cause if you're not well gorunded, it is realy VERY easy to drift.
WINNER: it dosen't matter who won this round, all Glory goes to God.
Chapter 2
Chap2: Daniel V.S. the Weahter
Singapore you complain about the you complain about the cold...its hard to please a human being..
Oh yah, remember all those wooden frames you guys have me, they almost got quarinteen at the airport, its considered wooden articles...(yes Jeremy go ahead and say it : "What the COCK!!")yah but its ok they are all with me now.
Ok I got off the plane out into the open and got a shock, the wind was like freash and it was COLD, Ipswich is like -2 degrees from the temp of Brisbane. To make things worse, my lips already cracked on the plane and now that is even colder, my lips are worse... :(
And well, whats that problem that I have when there is dry weather and extreme change in climate? Yes, continous nose bleeding....(its still happening every now and then today).
Things are SLOWER... but the country is beautiful, and the houses are a bit shorter, you don't get flats here, you get HOUSES, short houses...landed property anyone?
Well, with a set of cracked lips(no kissing for at least 1 month, not that I've got anybody to kiss), and a nose that feels like bleeding every once in awhile...
Winner: the WEATHER...
Glori, the Oakleys here are about $100 cheaper than in SG...hahaha....
Singapore you complain about the you complain about the cold...its hard to please a human being..
Oh yah, remember all those wooden frames you guys have me, they almost got quarinteen at the airport, its considered wooden articles...(yes Jeremy go ahead and say it : "What the COCK!!")yah but its ok they are all with me now.
Ok I got off the plane out into the open and got a shock, the wind was like freash and it was COLD, Ipswich is like -2 degrees from the temp of Brisbane. To make things worse, my lips already cracked on the plane and now that is even colder, my lips are worse... :(
And well, whats that problem that I have when there is dry weather and extreme change in climate? Yes, continous nose bleeding....(its still happening every now and then today).
Things are SLOWER... but the country is beautiful, and the houses are a bit shorter, you don't get flats here, you get HOUSES, short houses...landed property anyone?
Well, with a set of cracked lips(no kissing for at least 1 month, not that I've got anybody to kiss), and a nose that feels like bleeding every once in awhile...
Winner: the WEATHER...
Glori, the Oakleys here are about $100 cheaper than in SG...hahaha....
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Chapter 1
Daniel V.S. the Air Plane
Ok I 've gotton off the plane, but I'm yet to get an internet access, not this is really a belated messages.
Aussie is a nice country but slow, very slow, things really move slowly. ok now more about Daniel V.S. the Air Plane.
You all know I have motion sickness, so it was a bit hard on that "stupid plane" and about a month ago I had dreams of the plane crashing or something, so that added to me being more scared of the plane. Thanks to all your prayers, and all, I don't have to update my blog from heaven.
I hate plane rides, I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and worse of all the air corn was so cold my lips started to crack. I tried to watch a movie but there was really nothing nice and believe me, when you're feeling that sick you really don't feel like watching anything. So it just went on for 8 hrs, lucky no babies cried on board otherwise that would have been my braking point. Landing was the worst, my motion sickness took full effect and I was like grabing my air sickness bag, but thanks fully again, I didn't have to use it, was more or less busy chewing my gum and trying to "pre-occupied" looking to "things" to look at....although there was nothing.
Fianlly the time comes, 11th july 9.25am, touch down in brisbane, 1 one piece, have not vormited, but a bit hungry and tired of course. Therefore Winner is DANIEL....
So thats it just to let you guy know I'm safe, and I miss all of you back there, looking for a church now.
(to Esther, Glorijoy and Lijun, I placed that jiggsaw puzzle in a position that if I where to leave my room door opened, anybody that walks in to the house and take a small peek into my room, they will be able to see it. And Joshua for goodness sick pick up the phone when I call you the next time, Jeremy thanks for answering the call, really needed to talk to someone at that time.)
stay tunes for chapter Daniel V.S. the Weather...
Ok I 've gotton off the plane, but I'm yet to get an internet access, not this is really a belated messages.
Aussie is a nice country but slow, very slow, things really move slowly. ok now more about Daniel V.S. the Air Plane.
You all know I have motion sickness, so it was a bit hard on that "stupid plane" and about a month ago I had dreams of the plane crashing or something, so that added to me being more scared of the plane. Thanks to all your prayers, and all, I don't have to update my blog from heaven.
I hate plane rides, I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and worse of all the air corn was so cold my lips started to crack. I tried to watch a movie but there was really nothing nice and believe me, when you're feeling that sick you really don't feel like watching anything. So it just went on for 8 hrs, lucky no babies cried on board otherwise that would have been my braking point. Landing was the worst, my motion sickness took full effect and I was like grabing my air sickness bag, but thanks fully again, I didn't have to use it, was more or less busy chewing my gum and trying to "pre-occupied" looking to "things" to look at....although there was nothing.
Fianlly the time comes, 11th july 9.25am, touch down in brisbane, 1 one piece, have not vormited, but a bit hungry and tired of course. Therefore Winner is DANIEL....
So thats it just to let you guy know I'm safe, and I miss all of you back there, looking for a church now.
(to Esther, Glorijoy and Lijun, I placed that jiggsaw puzzle in a position that if I where to leave my room door opened, anybody that walks in to the house and take a small peek into my room, they will be able to see it. And Joshua for goodness sick pick up the phone when I call you the next time, Jeremy thanks for answering the call, really needed to talk to someone at that time.)
stay tunes for chapter Daniel V.S. the Weather...
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Commentry on video (sermon on the blog)
Ok, I know some of you will be looking out for this, so here goes, but first I'll just say a few things(as usual)
This was not the biggest production I've ever made, the biggest one was for "Sink or Swim", BUT back then, my focus was by no means right, it was more to show off and I was to young a Christian to know what it means to actually do thing for God, or in view of God. So yah, this video, I had to make sure I was walking right all the time, otherwise the focus would go off and nothing will be right, so I eurge all of you guys, be it whatever you ar doing, singing, playing, organising something...etc set your spiritual formation correct.
Ok here goes, i didn't even notice I had 8 chunks of verses in that video, didn't bother counting them, just kept on adding them as long as the mean was there...
Why did I quote all the verses in KJV, I won't answer this question but if you really want to know please ask Jeremy.
verse 1, the LORD's Prayer why start with the LORD's prayer, I was actually sturggle with this, as the origianl intend was to start with something else, but yah, I ended the video with 1 Cor 15:10, and it points back to God, so I decided to start with the LORD's Prayer, because as much I want to do this video for you guys, I want to do it for God as well and dedicate it to Him, so why only show that at the end, why not let everybody know that from the start.
verse 2, Acts 2 46:47, ok this one is pretty simple, but its the start of the journey, notice before this I show pictures of the old MYF, because we were really that smalland if you ask me to use 1 word to summrise these 2 verses, I would say fellowship because that is what fellowship really is(as stated in the verse) coming together to not only spent time with each other but with God, as God did add to our numbers...
verse 3, Isaiah 40:30-31, as God added to our numbers I'm sure some will feel tired and some will feel faint, will cause thats how I felt at that time, it was around that time when I enter into the YM comm, and after like just 1 year serving in it I really felt tired, but look, what does this verse say, by no means we should run by our own strength, but every step we should wait upon the LORD. Look at what Christ said in Matt 11:28-30.
verse 4, Romans 12:1-2, this verse actually ties down with the song("2 hands 1 heart by Don Moen") the first line goes "What can I give, What can I bring?" now let me ask all of us this question, What do we have that is not given to us by God, What do we know that de does not already know? the answer is pretty easy....NOTHING... so what does this verse say, offer your body, in other words give everything, what does the song say "2 hands, 1 heart, 1 life, I offer you", "I'll give you my heart, not just a part, I'm giving you my everything." So in the midst of serveing and all lets not forget, what we must be prepared to give.
verse 5, Psalms 139:1-6, the words scrolled too fast here, because the song here is also Psalms 139, so if you missed the words, listen to the song. In the midst of all our ministry and serving, lets not forget that God know who we are, and this psalms pretty much tells us how much God know us, He know our tought even before we act, He know our words even before we speak, He know our rights and or wrongs, He know how sinfull we have all became, and He will always love us even though He knows. This my friends I consider it Grace, something we don't even deserve. Knowing that God knows us so well, should't we all make an extra effort to know God, to walk right with God?
verse 6, Proverbs 27:17, this is a very out of the blue thing, cause it was meant more for Joshua and Jeremy, I think this verse pretty much sums up how the 3 of us really compliments one another, how close we are to each other and how much we have all grown, and of course, I'm sure this goes for the 2 of them as well, we all thank God that we always have each other around to depend on.
verse 7, 1 Chornicles 29:14, another verse that ties in with the song("Who am I" by casting crowns), because really who am I, or who are we? because all things come from God, and we are only giving back to God what He has already given us. Listen to the song, "Who am I, that the LORD of all the earth, would care to know my name, would care to feel my hurt?", "Not because of who I am, but because of what You've done. Not because of what I've done, but because of who You are. I am the flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomrrow, a wave tossed in the ocean, a vapour in the air, still You hear me when I'm calling, LORD you catch me when I'm falling and You tld me who I am...I am Your's"
Verse 8, 1 Corinthians 15:10, the main gist of this verse is actually humility, but I take it as dedicating everything possible in my life back to God, thats why before all this I actually type out what so many people have said to me, written in cards and books, in 2 things, i wanted to thanks all these people for encouraging me along the way, and I also want to tell them this.....
Don't Thank me, Thank God for making me me, for what I have done was only made possible through God and God alone, NOT that I deserve to be able to do all these, but it was His Grace that allowed me to do so...
This was not the biggest production I've ever made, the biggest one was for "Sink or Swim", BUT back then, my focus was by no means right, it was more to show off and I was to young a Christian to know what it means to actually do thing for God, or in view of God. So yah, this video, I had to make sure I was walking right all the time, otherwise the focus would go off and nothing will be right, so I eurge all of you guys, be it whatever you ar doing, singing, playing, organising something...etc set your spiritual formation correct.
Ok here goes, i didn't even notice I had 8 chunks of verses in that video, didn't bother counting them, just kept on adding them as long as the mean was there...
Why did I quote all the verses in KJV, I won't answer this question but if you really want to know please ask Jeremy.
verse 1, the LORD's Prayer why start with the LORD's prayer, I was actually sturggle with this, as the origianl intend was to start with something else, but yah, I ended the video with 1 Cor 15:10, and it points back to God, so I decided to start with the LORD's Prayer, because as much I want to do this video for you guys, I want to do it for God as well and dedicate it to Him, so why only show that at the end, why not let everybody know that from the start.
verse 2, Acts 2 46:47, ok this one is pretty simple, but its the start of the journey, notice before this I show pictures of the old MYF, because we were really that smalland if you ask me to use 1 word to summrise these 2 verses, I would say fellowship because that is what fellowship really is(as stated in the verse) coming together to not only spent time with each other but with God, as God did add to our numbers...
verse 3, Isaiah 40:30-31, as God added to our numbers I'm sure some will feel tired and some will feel faint, will cause thats how I felt at that time, it was around that time when I enter into the YM comm, and after like just 1 year serving in it I really felt tired, but look, what does this verse say, by no means we should run by our own strength, but every step we should wait upon the LORD. Look at what Christ said in Matt 11:28-30.
verse 4, Romans 12:1-2, this verse actually ties down with the song("2 hands 1 heart by Don Moen") the first line goes "What can I give, What can I bring?" now let me ask all of us this question, What do we have that is not given to us by God, What do we know that de does not already know? the answer is pretty easy....NOTHING... so what does this verse say, offer your body, in other words give everything, what does the song say "2 hands, 1 heart, 1 life, I offer you", "I'll give you my heart, not just a part, I'm giving you my everything." So in the midst of serveing and all lets not forget, what we must be prepared to give.
verse 5, Psalms 139:1-6, the words scrolled too fast here, because the song here is also Psalms 139, so if you missed the words, listen to the song. In the midst of all our ministry and serving, lets not forget that God know who we are, and this psalms pretty much tells us how much God know us, He know our tought even before we act, He know our words even before we speak, He know our rights and or wrongs, He know how sinfull we have all became, and He will always love us even though He knows. This my friends I consider it Grace, something we don't even deserve. Knowing that God knows us so well, should't we all make an extra effort to know God, to walk right with God?
verse 6, Proverbs 27:17, this is a very out of the blue thing, cause it was meant more for Joshua and Jeremy, I think this verse pretty much sums up how the 3 of us really compliments one another, how close we are to each other and how much we have all grown, and of course, I'm sure this goes for the 2 of them as well, we all thank God that we always have each other around to depend on.
verse 7, 1 Chornicles 29:14, another verse that ties in with the song("Who am I" by casting crowns), because really who am I, or who are we? because all things come from God, and we are only giving back to God what He has already given us. Listen to the song, "Who am I, that the LORD of all the earth, would care to know my name, would care to feel my hurt?", "Not because of who I am, but because of what You've done. Not because of what I've done, but because of who You are. I am the flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomrrow, a wave tossed in the ocean, a vapour in the air, still You hear me when I'm calling, LORD you catch me when I'm falling and You tld me who I am...I am Your's"
Verse 8, 1 Corinthians 15:10, the main gist of this verse is actually humility, but I take it as dedicating everything possible in my life back to God, thats why before all this I actually type out what so many people have said to me, written in cards and books, in 2 things, i wanted to thanks all these people for encouraging me along the way, and I also want to tell them this.....
Don't Thank me, Thank God for making me me, for what I have done was only made possible through God and God alone, NOT that I deserve to be able to do all these, but it was His Grace that allowed me to do so...
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Only a few more days....
WOW, its just like 6 more days before I finally fly off to aussie for studies....
I can't believe, I'm actually really leaving, what turned out first as only a dream is now Real...
Finally I'm gonna wake up one day and poof....I'm in Australia...
Have been spending time with most of my friends now a days, going here, going there...going everywhere...looking at this, looking at that, looking at almost everywhere... and everything...
buying this buying that....trying to think of things that I will need there and cost cheaper over here...but really I can't think of much...
I feel sad because I'm leaving, I feel happy because its going to be a whole new experiance, and I just don't know how to feel about this...OH MAN!!!!!! ARHHHHHH!!!!! WHY!!!!!!! I hate having mixed feelings, feels as though you're a guy having PMS, one minute you're happy, one minute you're sad....this sucks man...
I'm really gonna miss you guys back here, and I'm not even sure of what ahead of e now, and for some of you, don't bother trying to make me stay, cause its now a matter of too little too yah thats it.
I wished a had a little more time to spend time with you guys, but it just seems like time is never enough,and truely it IS never enough...
I can't believe, I'm actually really leaving, what turned out first as only a dream is now Real...
Finally I'm gonna wake up one day and poof....I'm in Australia...
Have been spending time with most of my friends now a days, going here, going there...going everywhere...looking at this, looking at that, looking at almost everywhere... and everything...
buying this buying that....trying to think of things that I will need there and cost cheaper over here...but really I can't think of much...
I feel sad because I'm leaving, I feel happy because its going to be a whole new experiance, and I just don't know how to feel about this...OH MAN!!!!!! ARHHHHHH!!!!! WHY!!!!!!! I hate having mixed feelings, feels as though you're a guy having PMS, one minute you're happy, one minute you're sad....this sucks man...
I'm really gonna miss you guys back here, and I'm not even sure of what ahead of e now, and for some of you, don't bother trying to make me stay, cause its now a matter of too little too yah thats it.
I wished a had a little more time to spend time with you guys, but it just seems like time is never enough,and truely it IS never enough...
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