Wednesday, July 27, 2005

A few days have past

Its been a few days, I hope you guys enjoy the pics..

Well, school has started I'm not very busy YET...yes yes some of you know I only get 3 subject tihs semister...blah blah blah...but I can see from the course mater that I only have 3 for a reason, try having to create 4 movies, a major proramming project and doing some sound designing at the same time...guess I'm not so free after all ah...

I don't know why I'm posting this but let me just say when your overseas alone, there are a few things that you're very easy to fall into...

1. Loosing the guard on your heart...why
Because sometimes you just feel alone and you really want company, and the first girl/guy that come along is like, BAM, she's a good target and will be great for this time... Well think again, getting into a wrong relationship dosen't just affect your life, it affects 2 people don't ever loose guard, the heart, more like our hearts, can REALLY tell us the wrong things at times...

2. Removing/Forgetting God from our lives
If you where online this afternoon, you would have seen my msn nick as "Overwhelmed with fustration" yes, I was very fed up, for the first time in 5 years I slamed a door, and houses in aussie are made out of wood, so the bang was really loud. Why was I fustrated, I did not get the class timings I wanted for 2 subjuects in a role, and I couldn't find a project partner because I didn't know anyone, and I started to say "How I wished I was back in Singapore, this won't happen..." Notice one thing in my entire tought process.....Well, for those who have yet to figured it out, I forgot to pray, I've totally forgotten about God in the mist of all this fustration, when I was walking to class, I just said "God please help me, I hate it when this happens...", it was more of a complaint in life than a prayer to God....Thank God He didn't decide to strike me dead.....
Lets just say...God answers prayers, even though it sounds more like a complain... someone just happen to approach me during pratical session, and I've now got a project partner, I didn't get my time slots though, but it dosen't matter, life is defiantelly NOT about what I want...

So people I leave you with this for today...Tune in next time for the story of a boy, direct from Australia...same time all the time same blog....hahahaha

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