Sunday, July 23, 2006

Not a good feeling

Its not a good feeling, why? its not a good feeling to be back here and leaving so many things done half way back home.
Can't believe it, there is just so much more I wanted to do and so little time..why so? I have no idea either, maybe somethings are just meant to be...I guess sometimes on all control things are just meant to unfold by itself...."Those who try to control all will end up loosing it, but those who loose it will eventually gain control".....(where did I get this from and what am I talking about? anybody know the context?)

Ok I've been keeping this in me now for week and I think its about time I let it out...

SOME people are real DIC-HEADS, I don't believe, have anyone been reading my MSN nicks the past few weeks? I'll re-type them out here....
1. Maturity is measured not by the way you behave, but by the decision you make in life.
2. If you can't take hard criticism don't bother being a leader

Firstly I'll like to stress the point that I'm proud of that fact that I dare to speak my mind in a sociaty where most people just lack the BALLS to say what they actually mean.
when someone say you SUCK, don't chase that person down and start accussing that person of being insensitivity don't go hard on that person....why? cause he/she might be right...more so here thw question would be do you have the gust to walk up to that person and say "Tell me why do I suck?" I mean obviously there is a reason why that comment was made.
SO why focus on the comment when that is not the main point? Won't it be more productive if you ask the person the reason and try to find out about it? Won't that put you one step closer to solving the problem?
Basically 2 thing can be in your mind, and the choice is obviously your's, you can choose to focus on the problem or look beyound the problem and find the solution.
Well if you feel the childish need to have the final say in the argument than I truely feel sorry for you.

Point here is I'm not trying to make myself an excuse to slam someone, point here is I'm trying to say people often focus on the wrong things. Look at failure, you can either try to cry about the fact that you failed or you can pick yourself up.

I onced ask someone this question..."Why do we fall?" Falling seems to be a very useless thing, and it dosen't help in most cases in fact you get hurt most of the time, but there is some use to it. Why do we fall? must happen for a fact ta simple reason....

"We fall in order to learn how to pick ourselves up."

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