Wednesday, September 28, 2005

5 days of enlightening madness...

Hmm...5 days, just 5 days and so much has happened...lets list down that has happened...(be prepared this is a very long blog entry)

1. Genesis talk about refuting Evolution at Cooper's plain
2. First contact with OCF
3. Tiff's car is now officially called the Tiff Mobile
4. Crashed the weekend at Tiff house
5. Went to Tiff's church
6. Went for OCF camp

Say..the logic like this, IF everything written in the bible is true including Genesis, than all the the0ries that evolution is based upon will not be true...right? So than the question here is how can we prove that what the world believed in all these years is false?
Well, cause if we can't than we cannot prove that Genesis is true and which means the bible is not true, isn't it?

Hmmm I can really picture a lot of you question yourselfs now, looking left and right...I'm sure most of us will be able to prove part of Genesis to be true, but we can prove the whole of it? We can say things like there was no missing link by quoting Gen 1:26, but can we prove there is no missing link?
And what about the million of years theories? is that true as well? What if it is not? What is the mid-atlantic ridge took just 40 days to form, what if the grand canyon took just 1 year to form and not this million of years...Hmmm What could happen within 40 days or 1 year that could create something like that it has to be some major global catastrophe won't it?
You see we can try to quote as much as we like about creation from the bible, but as long as we cannot prove the world's point of view about things happening over millions of years, we cannot prove the bible to be true which also means whatever we quote will be useless...

So is there a way to prove wrong this "millions of years" theory that scientists have come up with?
(I'm very tempted to tell you all everything, but I'll just leave my blog like that and let you all guess, But do rest assured I do have some answers that I'll share when I get back.)

Next thing, crashing at Tiff's house ok crashing its not like fun fun fun lah, it is fun lah abd "happening" arh...right Tiff...? But thanks anyway lah, for the food, the chillie, and enduring the trouble I've caused...for taking me to all those places, your birthday dinner, Mount Graviat, talking cock with you, talking to your brother. Yah Shawn hope to see you in FMC towards the end of the year. And of course for intorducing me to so many OCFers, Judy, Benny, Jonathan, Evelyn, Sue-ann...Jassica..Oops thats MingDao's other name....hahahaha

You know it feel amazing when God has answered your prayer and you see the change in your life, but I can tell you it feel just as good, when you start to discover bits and pieces of God's plain and your guess all this time is becoming more obvious....

After mixing with the OCFers at the camp I've finally seen how ways and pathes can be made with one has lost all hope, I never thought of going for an OCF camp, but Thanks to Judy for this invitation I enjoyed myself at this camp, it was refreshing, and the messages were really good, my only regret would be being unable to stay for more of the activities, I hope you learnt as much as well, and yah contiune to grow, I believe you'll be a good BS leader one day.
(P.S. I believe when I start off I was more in-adequate than you)

so as all of you can see, a fair bit of things happened to me this holiday, and believe it or not I think I've grown even more...

For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure - Philippians 2:13

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