Sunday, September 11, 2005

Happy Birthday Josh...

assuming some of you read my blog most of the time, you'll proberly see this, Happy Birthday Joshua. I miss you guys back there, hope you're coping well in SMU, no doubt I believe UQ have Hotter chick than SMU....hahahahaha, I hope the eye candy there is enoug hto cope with the stress...yah dude see you in 2 month's time, which also means I want my PS2 back by then, *smile smile* but yah I've got you b-day present here with me I can't send it back cause it like 242g and it will cost me about AUD$20 to send it back, I hope you understand this...

As for Jeremy please choose a flavour, 1. Apricot, 2. Apple and Cranberry 3. Triple Berry, please tell me soon.

Yah I've been very busy, but I got a gut feeling you guys as in all of you will be hearing from me very soon, I hope...Ok off to do some other stuff...damn my lanudry is outside and it raining now...nopw its a STORM.....yikes.... ok ok I'll update you guys if I'm still alive after the storm...see you all in 2 months time...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...
