Ok, its that time of the year again, I think this pretty much is the one year mark on my blog...
So what happened today? Well, a lot of things...first lets start the day off from the morning....WELL, yes I was supose to do Sound for the 8am and 945am service and as usual I woke up late...to make matters worse it was raining and vehicles were moving very slowly on the road...talk about a double blow...furthermore the worship leader was waiting for my guitar...I guess its 3 strikes(and out) for me this time...talk about really waking up to a bad day...
However thanks to my trusty PA counterparts(Ziteng and Esther), by the time I got to church the sound system was all up and ready. Time for shocker number 2, Esther was doing a skit which leave Ziteng to do the powerpoint and me to do sound alone(Lijun is of course happily enjoy herself on holiday), and trust my doing sound alone with a total of 20 channels to control is not fun, in fact with the number of last munite changes, lack of battires(for cordless mics) and the need to add more channels during the service, this is the frist time I got scared of doing sound.
But frist let me address a few issues:
1. Elroi! When we ask you to turn the mic, you flick the switch that says "power" on it, its not the switch which says "mute".
2. If you guys want to hide when off stage, please don't hide beside a monitor speaker, espacially when your handsfree mic is still on.
Now to sit back a think for awhile, if I had Esther and Lijun around, things would not have been as chaotic as it sounds. Point here is; have I been taking certain people around me for granted? How did I think of this, it was not because I couldn't handle doing sound alone, but have I gotten too used to having people around me that I'm not used to putting in an extra inche of work? I used to call them my PA crew, I guess its only fair now that they are addressed as my PA counterparts(co-workers).
Next the activities on YM, the games were fun, and I don't care even if it was a backup game, as far as I'm concerned, Angie and Ai did a great job, my only regret is that I had to rush off half way for a meeting and was unable to finish the game.
Opening of the letter, for some reason christmas sunday happened to be the last sunday of the year, or maybe not for just some reason, a reason we are unable to understand. And being the last sunday of the year, we had to open up our letter we wrote to God on the first sunday of the year. I've completely forgot what I wrote in it or even how I wrote it, but one thing is for sure, if you had faith and truely mean what you write, God will make it happen. After reading what I wrote in the begining of the year, I finally understood why I was give the prayer of St. Paul before I left for Australia, why I kept on learning new things throughout the year, why was there so much grace given to me, why a significant change happened to me.
I guess sometimes its not about knowing there and then, its about walking my faith following and thinking and obeying things we do not understand why it happen and at the end, we will finally know why it turned out that way in the begining.
Monday, December 26, 2005
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Some over due stuff.....
These are all over due stuff I happen to stumble upon when I was checking my notes I took in australia, need not be bible study stuff, but some are school stuff and mostly thought pen down during my free time...
It's kinds of funny now, I look back at all these things and I still can relate to them, and yet it seems that I was a totally different person when I was in Australia. More controled, living in a slower pace, admiering creation...a more down to earth person, a simpler person....
Back here in Singapore, I seem to more in the thick of things, getting involved here and there, more complicated, more things to do, more stuff to learn, more pressure...
Espacially after I know my results, its amazing, their not results I could have gotton on my own, but I guess God has given them to me for a reason, going for church camp, even thought I'm no longer part of the planing, but I still feel a sense of responsiblity over the younger ones, and feeling of having to ensure their safty and take care of them while the comm is busy...
So I guess its a cross between and active person and a reserved person...
Hmm, here's something interesting I wrote while sitting under a tree in school one day, yes, I was free enough to actually sit under trees and read books when I was in Australia.
I wished you were here,
but you're not here,
I wished you could see,
but you're not here to see,
I wished you could feel,
but you're not here to feel,
How I wished, how I wished,
That you could be here right now...
Now I understand why great ideas and discoveries are mostly found in the most quiet and lonely of places, as these places are also very beautiful...
It's kinds of funny now, I look back at all these things and I still can relate to them, and yet it seems that I was a totally different person when I was in Australia. More controled, living in a slower pace, admiering creation...a more down to earth person, a simpler person....
Back here in Singapore, I seem to more in the thick of things, getting involved here and there, more complicated, more things to do, more stuff to learn, more pressure...
Espacially after I know my results, its amazing, their not results I could have gotton on my own, but I guess God has given them to me for a reason, going for church camp, even thought I'm no longer part of the planing, but I still feel a sense of responsiblity over the younger ones, and feeling of having to ensure their safty and take care of them while the comm is busy...
So I guess its a cross between and active person and a reserved person...
Hmm, here's something interesting I wrote while sitting under a tree in school one day, yes, I was free enough to actually sit under trees and read books when I was in Australia.
I wished you were here,
but you're not here,
I wished you could see,
but you're not here to see,
I wished you could feel,
but you're not here to feel,
How I wished, how I wished,
That you could be here right now...
Now I understand why great ideas and discoveries are mostly found in the most quiet and lonely of places, as these places are also very beautiful...
Monday, December 12, 2005
Took me long enough....
Ok Ok I've actually been back to more than 2 weeks and took me till now to update my blog, yes I know its boring with no new post to read so here, this is sometrhing new...
Ok church camp just ended...and what did I learn, well, in terms of a "great" sudden influx of knowledge, well, I would say I've learnt notinhg...kinda sad arh...but in terms of small everyday things I guessed I did learn something at least...guess I'll have to be contented with what I got out of it, some times the smallest of things can be like a snowball that starts aa avaluanche...
So what are my thoughts on the camp that just ended? Well, the highlight for me was in fact the leading of singspration, strange isn't it, something which most people dread to do, turned out to be my highlight of this camp...(weird people got weird taste). I though of how I was doing it, reading the verses, putting in more verses than songs, making it more important for the meaning of the verses to get throught, and after thinking about how it was done, and watching the video evaluation that was done 4 months ago, I relised something very scary, my style of leading is becoming increasingly similar to somebody's style....my singspration is becoming a teaching session....HOW?!?!?!?....
Of course the other highlight would be the night walk on Sentosa, somehow I wished it was darker...hmmm maybe I just happen to like dark places...hmm I don't know, or maybe I enjoy the trill of being in the midst of danger, I don't know that either...
But one thing puzzles me, why do so many of us get scare once we put on the blind fold, why did so many people conclude that we would be walking throught the area blind folded? Have we gotten too used to the ability of sight that we forgotten how to use our other senses to make up for it? Have we lost faith in the people around us that they will always be protecting us? Why are we contented to sit there and cry and be scare when we can spend that time praying? Just after learning that God's hand is never too short to help have we forgotten that the minute we are faced with a difficult task? I think this just reminds us how easily it is we can get shaken or even fall away...
Walking the talk, walking by faith, walking with Jesus....looks like its not as easy as what everybody thinks...
Ok church camp just ended...and what did I learn, well, in terms of a "great" sudden influx of knowledge, well, I would say I've learnt notinhg...kinda sad arh...but in terms of small everyday things I guessed I did learn something at least...guess I'll have to be contented with what I got out of it, some times the smallest of things can be like a snowball that starts aa avaluanche...
So what are my thoughts on the camp that just ended? Well, the highlight for me was in fact the leading of singspration, strange isn't it, something which most people dread to do, turned out to be my highlight of this camp...(weird people got weird taste). I though of how I was doing it, reading the verses, putting in more verses than songs, making it more important for the meaning of the verses to get throught, and after thinking about how it was done, and watching the video evaluation that was done 4 months ago, I relised something very scary, my style of leading is becoming increasingly similar to somebody's style....my singspration is becoming a teaching session....HOW?!?!?!?....
Of course the other highlight would be the night walk on Sentosa, somehow I wished it was darker...hmmm maybe I just happen to like dark places...hmm I don't know, or maybe I enjoy the trill of being in the midst of danger, I don't know that either...
But one thing puzzles me, why do so many of us get scare once we put on the blind fold, why did so many people conclude that we would be walking throught the area blind folded? Have we gotten too used to the ability of sight that we forgotten how to use our other senses to make up for it? Have we lost faith in the people around us that they will always be protecting us? Why are we contented to sit there and cry and be scare when we can spend that time praying? Just after learning that God's hand is never too short to help have we forgotten that the minute we are faced with a difficult task? I think this just reminds us how easily it is we can get shaken or even fall away...
Walking the talk, walking by faith, walking with Jesus....looks like its not as easy as what everybody thinks...
Monday, November 14, 2005
Recent thoughts...
Arh... its been a long time since I've updated this blog, ok truth is I was free since 7th November, just been playing too much to updated my blog, or more rather nothing happening....but when nothing happens I will start thinking of a lot of things, and sooooo....here are the a lot of things I've been thinking about....
First off, have any of you noticed if you have totally no idea or no understanding of something and start commenting on it what will you look like.....well, you look like a Fool....it is rather a pity as well, come to think of it, how are you able to tell a Fool that he/she is really a Fool? Hmm...its just like trying to tell a Schizophrenic that he/she is mad...of course Schizophrenics are not really mad, but yah you get my idea.
Secondly, doing things to please others, sound very unfair right? Doing things to please your parents, even though it might make you unhappy; unfair? Before anybody even think if it is unfair, why not think how many things have our parents done to please us. Seriously if you can't be bothered with serving others, why should others be bothered with serving you, if you serve expecting returns; why do you serve in the first place?
Ok these are things just pop-ed up into my mind when I was pissing, as you can really see, sometimes, I just have too much time...
Now for something more relevent, I find it strange though that it is at this time now, that I suddenly start to "regain" contact with all my past poly friends...strange isn't it, when I'm back in Singapore I can't really contact them, or at least most of them, no matter how hard I try, but when I'm not in the country, they just keep poping up non-stop...
Ok I think I'll answer their question in a more direct way(incase any of you are reading my blog), I'll be typing in a 1st person view on it.
The common thing most of you said/asked me was "You've matured a lot all these times..", "I can see you've changed a lot." "What made you change?", the answer I gave all of you was the same, chrisitan life, some believed, some don't because I've been a chrisitan for a rather long time, so why change now?. For those of you who believed well, you can just read on, for those who don't I hope you'll understand after reading this.
The question which I post back is "What makes a chrisitan?" or "What does it mean to be a christian?" The common understanding of a chrisitan is well, goes to church on sunday, read the bible, prays a lot, puts faith in something invisible, or some people will even call chrisitans weirdos. This can be food for thought for chrisitnas as well, going to church, reading the bible, praying, all these are things that even non-christians can do, so what makes us as christians different?
I would say this now, I was never really a chrisitan until, I started to seek God, things like putting God as the main focus, focusing on Godlyness, christ likeness...and it wasn't until like 2 years ago that this started to happen. You see the logic here is "the faith that bring about you salvation should be the same faith the brings about your transformation." otherwise its like saying "I want God/Jesus in my life, but I still want full control over it.", its like saying you want somebody to change your life and you still want things to be the same, which of course pretty much just dosen't add up. So well, as the song goes "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His rightousness and all these things shall be added unto you..."
Hmm of course the logic presented above was a bit more towards the calvinistic stand point and does point to the trinity as well, feel free to clear these 2 points with me as I do feel blogs are not a very good place to lay out doctrine.
I guess there's a lot more to explain and some things I cannot explain as well, but yah this is pretty much it...
First off, have any of you noticed if you have totally no idea or no understanding of something and start commenting on it what will you look like.....well, you look like a Fool....it is rather a pity as well, come to think of it, how are you able to tell a Fool that he/she is really a Fool? Hmm...its just like trying to tell a Schizophrenic that he/she is mad...of course Schizophrenics are not really mad, but yah you get my idea.
Secondly, doing things to please others, sound very unfair right? Doing things to please your parents, even though it might make you unhappy; unfair? Before anybody even think if it is unfair, why not think how many things have our parents done to please us. Seriously if you can't be bothered with serving others, why should others be bothered with serving you, if you serve expecting returns; why do you serve in the first place?
Ok these are things just pop-ed up into my mind when I was pissing, as you can really see, sometimes, I just have too much time...
Now for something more relevent, I find it strange though that it is at this time now, that I suddenly start to "regain" contact with all my past poly friends...strange isn't it, when I'm back in Singapore I can't really contact them, or at least most of them, no matter how hard I try, but when I'm not in the country, they just keep poping up non-stop...
Ok I think I'll answer their question in a more direct way(incase any of you are reading my blog), I'll be typing in a 1st person view on it.
The common thing most of you said/asked me was "You've matured a lot all these times..", "I can see you've changed a lot." "What made you change?", the answer I gave all of you was the same, chrisitan life, some believed, some don't because I've been a chrisitan for a rather long time, so why change now?. For those of you who believed well, you can just read on, for those who don't I hope you'll understand after reading this.
The question which I post back is "What makes a chrisitan?" or "What does it mean to be a christian?" The common understanding of a chrisitan is well, goes to church on sunday, read the bible, prays a lot, puts faith in something invisible, or some people will even call chrisitans weirdos. This can be food for thought for chrisitnas as well, going to church, reading the bible, praying, all these are things that even non-christians can do, so what makes us as christians different?
I would say this now, I was never really a chrisitan until, I started to seek God, things like putting God as the main focus, focusing on Godlyness, christ likeness...and it wasn't until like 2 years ago that this started to happen. You see the logic here is "the faith that bring about you salvation should be the same faith the brings about your transformation." otherwise its like saying "I want God/Jesus in my life, but I still want full control over it.", its like saying you want somebody to change your life and you still want things to be the same, which of course pretty much just dosen't add up. So well, as the song goes "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His rightousness and all these things shall be added unto you..."
Hmm of course the logic presented above was a bit more towards the calvinistic stand point and does point to the trinity as well, feel free to clear these 2 points with me as I do feel blogs are not a very good place to lay out doctrine.
I guess there's a lot more to explain and some things I cannot explain as well, but yah this is pretty much it...
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Food for thought
This is a story, of course not be me lah, I've not reached the stage where I'm so brillent yet...
A man is walking along a very long road,
this road is very uneven and some times can be very very narrow.
So he finally came along this narrow parth, suddenly he slips and falls...
He knocks onto rocks try despiritly to grab hold of something to hold on to...
Half way through he finally manages to catch hold of a branch, a very strong brunch in fact.
Of course, holding on to the branch is a lot better than falling into something that he dosne't know,
But the man knows that he cannot remain there forever...
So he started to shout for help "Is there anybody UP there?"
Soon enough a voice from above replied..."Yes?" "Is sombody down there?"
The man replied : "Yes, I need help, can you help me?"
The voice : "I can help you, but you must trust me."
The man : "Ok, I'll do Anything, just help me. Tell me what I must do."
The voice : "Let go..."
The man paused for a minute and continued to shout : "Is there anybody else up there?"
Ok end of story, any thoughts, anybody learnt anthing? I'm not turning this into an online discussion, anything send me email or ask me when I get back.....
A man is walking along a very long road,
this road is very uneven and some times can be very very narrow.
So he finally came along this narrow parth, suddenly he slips and falls...
He knocks onto rocks try despiritly to grab hold of something to hold on to...
Half way through he finally manages to catch hold of a branch, a very strong brunch in fact.
Of course, holding on to the branch is a lot better than falling into something that he dosne't know,
But the man knows that he cannot remain there forever...
So he started to shout for help "Is there anybody UP there?"
Soon enough a voice from above replied..."Yes?" "Is sombody down there?"
The man replied : "Yes, I need help, can you help me?"
The voice : "I can help you, but you must trust me."
The man : "Ok, I'll do Anything, just help me. Tell me what I must do."
The voice : "Let go..."
The man paused for a minute and continued to shout : "Is there anybody else up there?"
Ok end of story, any thoughts, anybody learnt anthing? I'm not turning this into an online discussion, anything send me email or ask me when I get back.....
Saturday, October 29, 2005
End of Sem post....
Its the end of sem...I've made it so far...yet not I alone....for I know who watches over me all this time.
So here I am now, crossed between comfort of the house and the air condition of the school, for those of you who don't know why, well its summer now in australia, and its just getting hotter. I guess I choose the school in the end, here I am now sitting here alone in the Mac Lab, listening to my iPod(Rebecca St. James).
I'm not free yet, I still have 4 more assignments to go, I'm just taking a break to allow my parents to feel at ease so they know I'm getting enough rest.
Time spent here in Uni(and in Australia) was and is and will always be time well spent, by saying this phrase I also say it depends on self to know what your here for and to set the objective. Sometimes, its just a matter of going, doing without know the purpose behind the big picture and have faith in whoever is guiding you.
I've gotten to know more people, more friends from not just 1 country. Yes, YES, hot chicks as well....(looks at Jeremy and Joshua), ok lah I know some really cool guys as well lah. Know so much more about multimedia now, learnt so much more about other things, deep down inside me I do wish I could learn evenmore but I'm starting to get home sick, and soon will be the time for me be back in SG. So as much as I am looking forward to go back to Singapore, I am looking forward to come back next sem as well.
Here's a picture of my tutorial group.

I'm sure a lot of people will want to know what I'm thinking or how I'm feeling now, I not used to saying things from my point of view, however there is always somewhere that I can find something that expresses my feelings, so read on and find what I have to say now......
So here I am now, crossed between comfort of the house and the air condition of the school, for those of you who don't know why, well its summer now in australia, and its just getting hotter. I guess I choose the school in the end, here I am now sitting here alone in the Mac Lab, listening to my iPod(Rebecca St. James).
I'm not free yet, I still have 4 more assignments to go, I'm just taking a break to allow my parents to feel at ease so they know I'm getting enough rest.
Time spent here in Uni(and in Australia) was and is and will always be time well spent, by saying this phrase I also say it depends on self to know what your here for and to set the objective. Sometimes, its just a matter of going, doing without know the purpose behind the big picture and have faith in whoever is guiding you.
I've gotten to know more people, more friends from not just 1 country. Yes, YES, hot chicks as well....(looks at Jeremy and Joshua), ok lah I know some really cool guys as well lah. Know so much more about multimedia now, learnt so much more about other things, deep down inside me I do wish I could learn evenmore but I'm starting to get home sick, and soon will be the time for me be back in SG. So as much as I am looking forward to go back to Singapore, I am looking forward to come back next sem as well.
Here's a picture of my tutorial group.

I'm sure a lot of people will want to know what I'm thinking or how I'm feeling now, I not used to saying things from my point of view, however there is always somewhere that I can find something that expresses my feelings, so read on and find what I have to say now......
Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth
understanding. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. - Proverbs 3:13-14(KJV)
Monday, October 10, 2005
Don't expect anything....
Oi I'm too busy lah, no mood and no time to update my blog...
So this is as much as an update you guys will get for this week...
I'm busy....very busy..
Big problem, not my problem
Small problem, solve it yourself
Anything within my scope, look for my group leader or project partner
Anything not within my scope, don't bother me
If you cannot find me don't bother finding...
If you found my don't bother me....
If you bother to, tell others not to bother me...
Hopefully I'll have the time and mood to update this sometime during the week...
Lets keep each other in prayer, I'm sure I'm not the only busy person now...
Have a nice day.. :)
So this is as much as an update you guys will get for this week...
I'm busy....very busy..
Big problem, not my problem
Small problem, solve it yourself
Anything within my scope, look for my group leader or project partner
Anything not within my scope, don't bother me
If you cannot find me don't bother finding...
If you found my don't bother me....
If you bother to, tell others not to bother me...
Hopefully I'll have the time and mood to update this sometime during the week...
Lets keep each other in prayer, I'm sure I'm not the only busy person now...
Have a nice day.. :)
Monday, October 03, 2005
Holiday is over...
Ok, the holidays are over....Finally...or was I hoping that it would never end....
Cause here comes the projects...I hate to admit it, but deep down inside me I know there is only one way I can work now...
Goodbye Seng....Hello Chol....
My family has came and left already...I look back now and remember the day when I left the airport in Singapore, crying, praying, looking at the people around, sad to leave yet happy as a new chapter of my life starts, now how much longer before I'm back....just slightly more than a months time....so what have I learnt here, what have I done here...seriously I have no idea...
"Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it" Palms 139:6
I guess going to for camps and talks has really changed me again, mixing with christians and remembering how I became what I am today...I won't say its bad at all, in fact I just notice more things get done or I just more comfortable with my dominent character....
The only reason I'm living like that would be due to the fact that I'm in a new place, but getting used to it, I guess I've just made it one of my natural environments as well...
And yet now that I've gotten here I can't say I did it all on my own..it must be whats inside me...once again He working, He pretty much didn't stop working, just that I was too busy caught up with my owe life to notice His works.
"But by the grace of God I am what I am..."1 Cor 15:10....
I find it strange now that I'm quoting the same verses that I quoted before I left...have I fallen that much that I needed such a reminder?
Cause here comes the projects...I hate to admit it, but deep down inside me I know there is only one way I can work now...
Goodbye Seng....Hello Chol....
My family has came and left already...I look back now and remember the day when I left the airport in Singapore, crying, praying, looking at the people around, sad to leave yet happy as a new chapter of my life starts, now how much longer before I'm back....just slightly more than a months time....so what have I learnt here, what have I done here...seriously I have no idea...
"Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it" Palms 139:6
I guess going to for camps and talks has really changed me again, mixing with christians and remembering how I became what I am today...I won't say its bad at all, in fact I just notice more things get done or I just more comfortable with my dominent character....
The only reason I'm living like that would be due to the fact that I'm in a new place, but getting used to it, I guess I've just made it one of my natural environments as well...
And yet now that I've gotten here I can't say I did it all on my own..it must be whats inside me...once again He working, He pretty much didn't stop working, just that I was too busy caught up with my owe life to notice His works.
"But by the grace of God I am what I am..."1 Cor 15:10....
I find it strange now that I'm quoting the same verses that I quoted before I left...have I fallen that much that I needed such a reminder?
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
5 days of enlightening madness...
Hmm...5 days, just 5 days and so much has happened...lets list down that has happened...(be prepared this is a very long blog entry)
1. Genesis talk about refuting Evolution at Cooper's plain
2. First contact with OCF
3. Tiff's car is now officially called the Tiff Mobile
4. Crashed the weekend at Tiff house
5. Went to Tiff's church
6. Went for OCF camp
Say..the logic like this, IF everything written in the bible is true including Genesis, than all the the0ries that evolution is based upon will not be true...right? So than the question here is how can we prove that what the world believed in all these years is false?
Well, cause if we can't than we cannot prove that Genesis is true and which means the bible is not true, isn't it?
Hmmm I can really picture a lot of you question yourselfs now, looking left and right...I'm sure most of us will be able to prove part of Genesis to be true, but we can prove the whole of it? We can say things like there was no missing link by quoting Gen 1:26, but can we prove there is no missing link?
And what about the million of years theories? is that true as well? What if it is not? What is the mid-atlantic ridge took just 40 days to form, what if the grand canyon took just 1 year to form and not this million of years...Hmmm What could happen within 40 days or 1 year that could create something like that it has to be some major global catastrophe won't it?
You see we can try to quote as much as we like about creation from the bible, but as long as we cannot prove the world's point of view about things happening over millions of years, we cannot prove the bible to be true which also means whatever we quote will be useless...
So is there a way to prove wrong this "millions of years" theory that scientists have come up with?
(I'm very tempted to tell you all everything, but I'll just leave my blog like that and let you all guess, But do rest assured I do have some answers that I'll share when I get back.)
Next thing, crashing at Tiff's house ok crashing its not like fun fun fun lah, it is fun lah abd "happening" arh...right Tiff...? But thanks anyway lah, for the food, the chillie, and enduring the trouble I've caused...for taking me to all those places, your birthday dinner, Mount Graviat, talking cock with you, talking to your brother. Yah Shawn hope to see you in FMC towards the end of the year. And of course for intorducing me to so many OCFers, Judy, Benny, Jonathan, Evelyn, Sue-ann...Jassica..Oops thats MingDao's other name....hahahaha
You know it feel amazing when God has answered your prayer and you see the change in your life, but I can tell you it feel just as good, when you start to discover bits and pieces of God's plain and your guess all this time is becoming more obvious....
After mixing with the OCFers at the camp I've finally seen how ways and pathes can be made with one has lost all hope, I never thought of going for an OCF camp, but Thanks to Judy for this invitation I enjoyed myself at this camp, it was refreshing, and the messages were really good, my only regret would be being unable to stay for more of the activities, I hope you learnt as much as well, and yah contiune to grow, I believe you'll be a good BS leader one day.
(P.S. I believe when I start off I was more in-adequate than you)
so as all of you can see, a fair bit of things happened to me this holiday, and believe it or not I think I've grown even more...
For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure - Philippians 2:13
1. Genesis talk about refuting Evolution at Cooper's plain
2. First contact with OCF
3. Tiff's car is now officially called the Tiff Mobile
4. Crashed the weekend at Tiff house
5. Went to Tiff's church
6. Went for OCF camp
Say..the logic like this, IF everything written in the bible is true including Genesis, than all the the0ries that evolution is based upon will not be true...right? So than the question here is how can we prove that what the world believed in all these years is false?
Well, cause if we can't than we cannot prove that Genesis is true and which means the bible is not true, isn't it?
Hmmm I can really picture a lot of you question yourselfs now, looking left and right...I'm sure most of us will be able to prove part of Genesis to be true, but we can prove the whole of it? We can say things like there was no missing link by quoting Gen 1:26, but can we prove there is no missing link?
And what about the million of years theories? is that true as well? What if it is not? What is the mid-atlantic ridge took just 40 days to form, what if the grand canyon took just 1 year to form and not this million of years...Hmmm What could happen within 40 days or 1 year that could create something like that it has to be some major global catastrophe won't it?
You see we can try to quote as much as we like about creation from the bible, but as long as we cannot prove the world's point of view about things happening over millions of years, we cannot prove the bible to be true which also means whatever we quote will be useless...
So is there a way to prove wrong this "millions of years" theory that scientists have come up with?
(I'm very tempted to tell you all everything, but I'll just leave my blog like that and let you all guess, But do rest assured I do have some answers that I'll share when I get back.)
Next thing, crashing at Tiff's house ok crashing its not like fun fun fun lah, it is fun lah abd "happening" arh...right Tiff...? But thanks anyway lah, for the food, the chillie, and enduring the trouble I've caused...for taking me to all those places, your birthday dinner, Mount Graviat, talking cock with you, talking to your brother. Yah Shawn hope to see you in FMC towards the end of the year. And of course for intorducing me to so many OCFers, Judy, Benny, Jonathan, Evelyn, Sue-ann...Jassica..Oops thats MingDao's other name....hahahaha
You know it feel amazing when God has answered your prayer and you see the change in your life, but I can tell you it feel just as good, when you start to discover bits and pieces of God's plain and your guess all this time is becoming more obvious....
After mixing with the OCFers at the camp I've finally seen how ways and pathes can be made with one has lost all hope, I never thought of going for an OCF camp, but Thanks to Judy for this invitation I enjoyed myself at this camp, it was refreshing, and the messages were really good, my only regret would be being unable to stay for more of the activities, I hope you learnt as much as well, and yah contiune to grow, I believe you'll be a good BS leader one day.
(P.S. I believe when I start off I was more in-adequate than you)
so as all of you can see, a fair bit of things happened to me this holiday, and believe it or not I think I've grown even more...
For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure - Philippians 2:13
Thursday, September 22, 2005
I've got a good question...
Ok ok I got this question during one of my BS lessons I was having in Uni..
For those who like looking into you'll enjoy finding the answer for this....For those who think you're "Up there already" this question will bring you back to earth...For all my non-Christian friends, you'll cheer at this question(don't be too happy too fast).
For my CG, coming up with a good argument means another dinner treat, CGLs NOT applicable so to all the my CGMs, try getting together to come up with answer, of course there is no definite answer to it, I'm just looking for a good argument...
So this is the question..."Who is Jesus Christ?"...No no no, not so simple lah...
Ok the real question YES its an apologetic..."If God is that great to create everything, did He create evil as well?"
Hmmm....I wonder...ok CGMs, you've got 2 months to claim your treat... all the best..
For those who like looking into you'll enjoy finding the answer for this....For those who think you're "Up there already" this question will bring you back to earth...For all my non-Christian friends, you'll cheer at this question(don't be too happy too fast).
For my CG, coming up with a good argument means another dinner treat, CGLs NOT applicable so to all the my CGMs, try getting together to come up with answer, of course there is no definite answer to it, I'm just looking for a good argument...
So this is the question..."Who is Jesus Christ?"...No no no, not so simple lah...
Ok the real question YES its an apologetic..."If God is that great to create everything, did He create evil as well?"
Hmmm....I wonder...ok CGMs, you've got 2 months to claim your treat... all the best..
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
What I've been up to lately
Ok, its the time of the day when I update my blog again, as usual....
Hmm, after reading my tags, I found something very interesting....Jeremy I got a proposal for you...I'll stake my PS2 on the bet, than you choose another flavour, other than triple berry, and Joshua will loose which means he has to buy me another Ps2, which I will give to you, which means Josh will be the only one without a Ps2... so how about that? hahahahahhaha thats why they call me *beep*.....arghhh...*beep* that *beep *beep* censorship blogger you suck...and so do you Plato!!...
Ok my first sem is comign to an end and I got NO exams, which means, my assignments are getting really big right now, which means I got less free time(sorry ladies), which means I'm going to be more stressed, which also means I'm doing all sorts of funny reading like stuff from Plato which I don't understand and make me hate him more... and of course which also means I've got a whole new bag of tricks(multimedia skills)
But in the midst of all this projects assginments, exams.....it is ok to compromise our walk with God? Is it ok to study the bible ONLY when we have free time? Is it ok to "mug" the bible ONLY when there is something in it for us? Is it even ok to store things up to a boiling point when WE finally can't take anymore before talking to God?
Most of us will be temped to the the "textbook" of "No" for all the question...some would even jump to the defence and say "no" is not a textbook answer...but here is the deal I'm not one bit interested in anybody's answer....I don't care even if its yes to all of the questions...
I think the more important question here is "Does it please God to live like this?" "Are we glorifying God living this way?"
I'm just thinking aloud here, its not that anything happened or something, but yah just something to think about for some of us...
Ok here are some of my latest works, enjoy, try looking at them from a it further away, 3 of them where submitted as my projects, the rest was just done for fun...the last image I think all of you would know who it is for, its for someone special...

Hmm, after reading my tags, I found something very interesting....Jeremy I got a proposal for you...I'll stake my PS2 on the bet, than you choose another flavour, other than triple berry, and Joshua will loose which means he has to buy me another Ps2, which I will give to you, which means Josh will be the only one without a Ps2... so how about that? hahahahahhaha thats why they call me *beep*.....arghhh...*beep* that *beep *beep* censorship blogger you suck...and so do you Plato!!...
Ok my first sem is comign to an end and I got NO exams, which means, my assignments are getting really big right now, which means I got less free time(sorry ladies), which means I'm going to be more stressed, which also means I'm doing all sorts of funny reading like stuff from Plato which I don't understand and make me hate him more... and of course which also means I've got a whole new bag of tricks(multimedia skills)
But in the midst of all this projects assginments, exams.....it is ok to compromise our walk with God? Is it ok to study the bible ONLY when we have free time? Is it ok to "mug" the bible ONLY when there is something in it for us? Is it even ok to store things up to a boiling point when WE finally can't take anymore before talking to God?
Most of us will be temped to the the "textbook" of "No" for all the question...some would even jump to the defence and say "no" is not a textbook answer...but here is the deal I'm not one bit interested in anybody's answer....I don't care even if its yes to all of the questions...
I think the more important question here is "Does it please God to live like this?" "Are we glorifying God living this way?"
I'm just thinking aloud here, its not that anything happened or something, but yah just something to think about for some of us...
Ok here are some of my latest works, enjoy, try looking at them from a it further away, 3 of them where submitted as my projects, the rest was just done for fun...the last image I think all of you would know who it is for, its for someone special...

Sunday, September 11, 2005
Happy Birthday Josh...
assuming some of you read my blog most of the time, you'll proberly see this, Happy Birthday Joshua. I miss you guys back there, hope you're coping well in SMU, no doubt I believe UQ have Hotter chick than SMU....hahahahaha, I hope the eye candy there is enoug hto cope with the stress...yah dude see you in 2 month's time, which also means I want my PS2 back by then, *smile smile* but yah I've got you b-day present here with me I can't send it back cause it like 242g and it will cost me about AUD$20 to send it back, I hope you understand this...
As for Jeremy please choose a flavour, 1. Apricot, 2. Apple and Cranberry 3. Triple Berry, please tell me soon.
Yah I've been very busy, but I got a gut feeling you guys as in all of you will be hearing from me very soon, I hope...Ok off to do some other stuff...damn my lanudry is outside and it raining now...nopw its a STORM.....yikes.... ok ok I'll update you guys if I'm still alive after the storm...see you all in 2 months time...
As for Jeremy please choose a flavour, 1. Apricot, 2. Apple and Cranberry 3. Triple Berry, please tell me soon.
Yah I've been very busy, but I got a gut feeling you guys as in all of you will be hearing from me very soon, I hope...Ok off to do some other stuff...damn my lanudry is outside and it raining now...nopw its a STORM.....yikes.... ok ok I'll update you guys if I'm still alive after the storm...see you all in 2 months time...
Monday, September 05, 2005
All my belated post...
Ok when was the last time I posted to my blog.....very long ago right? don't know when also I bet soe of you thought my hand dropped off or my brain suddenly stopped working right?...arh...don't think I don't know ok....
(That was Daniel just being "bo liao" and adding some of his madness to his blog....)
Ok update newflash....or whatever you guy want to call it....and Yes I'm still alive if any of you think I'm "bo liao" at this point of time at least I'm better than some pay and pay gahmen who has nothing better to do than to think of ways to suck their people's money...
Lets get back to what I wanted to type all along...I've been busy with assignments, yes just for the record, Daniel is actually studying and getting some work done.(not something you would see everyday) Coping well lah, assignments are interesting, sound designing, essays on narrative analysis, sound map drafts...blah blah blah...practially all the interesting stuff that busniess management and information systems students don't get to do hahahahahaha....
Been making a lot of videos lately..., but here is the catch, everytime I make a video, I suppose to think of the story, the foreshadow of the story, who I'm telling the story to, who is telling the story, who is the narrative in the story, how many stories am I telling in 1 video...the list goes one....as you can see I've improved in this area but it is no longer as fun as it used to be.
That's what I've been learning at school most of the time...been to seaworld lately just to let you guys know, I went to seaworld on 27/08/2005 hmmm...that date seems very close to some people's birthday right? Just so some of you have an idea of what you are getting....the photos can be found at this site http://community.webshots.com/user/elementium the photos are not digitally enhanced, because seriously I don't have the time to do anything now a day, except eat, sleep ,shit , play WE8, study, go church...sounds a bit sad right, but don't worry I intend to make up for lost time.... ; - P
In those photos are of course my long awaited photos of my first few days here and the Ekka fair I went to in Brisbane. You guys can check out the rides in seaworld(espaically the "Corkscrew" I took that ride and was never the same again), check out the animals at the Ekka, check out my Uni for those of you who have not seen it and of course you can check out my house mates as well(their all girls and I have their numbers if any of you want them... ; D).
That should be about it for now...since its all said and done I guess I'll go attempt to crash another Mac, lets trying using photoshop this time to crash it...wish me luck...
Daniel out...(man I always wanted to say that)
(That was Daniel just being "bo liao" and adding some of his madness to his blog....)
Ok update newflash....or whatever you guy want to call it....and Yes I'm still alive if any of you think I'm "bo liao" at this point of time at least I'm better than some pay and pay gahmen who has nothing better to do than to think of ways to suck their people's money...
Lets get back to what I wanted to type all along...I've been busy with assignments, yes just for the record, Daniel is actually studying and getting some work done.(not something you would see everyday) Coping well lah, assignments are interesting, sound designing, essays on narrative analysis, sound map drafts...blah blah blah...practially all the interesting stuff that busniess management and information systems students don't get to do hahahahahaha....
Been making a lot of videos lately..., but here is the catch, everytime I make a video, I suppose to think of the story, the foreshadow of the story, who I'm telling the story to, who is telling the story, who is the narrative in the story, how many stories am I telling in 1 video...the list goes one....as you can see I've improved in this area but it is no longer as fun as it used to be.
That's what I've been learning at school most of the time...been to seaworld lately just to let you guys know, I went to seaworld on 27/08/2005 hmmm...that date seems very close to some people's birthday right? Just so some of you have an idea of what you are getting....the photos can be found at this site http://community.webshots.com/user/elementium the photos are not digitally enhanced, because seriously I don't have the time to do anything now a day, except eat, sleep ,shit , play WE8, study, go church...sounds a bit sad right, but don't worry I intend to make up for lost time.... ; - P
In those photos are of course my long awaited photos of my first few days here and the Ekka fair I went to in Brisbane. You guys can check out the rides in seaworld(espaically the "Corkscrew" I took that ride and was never the same again), check out the animals at the Ekka, check out my Uni for those of you who have not seen it and of course you can check out my house mates as well(their all girls and I have their numbers if any of you want them... ; D).
That should be about it for now...since its all said and done I guess I'll go attempt to crash another Mac, lets trying using photoshop this time to crash it...wish me luck...
Daniel out...(man I always wanted to say that)
Friday, August 19, 2005
The day I crashed a Mac
Read the title, I bet some of you thought it was not possible...
Well, I am living proof, it IS possible to crashed Mac, althought I have to admint it is far more stable than our stupid Microsoft Windows, and of course the Mac OS X has sooo much more features with a completely new integrated design aspect ot the look and feel of the OS, it sometimes pretty much makes Windows look like cheap ice-cream.
Ok, my project partner and I where doing some heavy sound editing on the Mac, noise removal, tempo shift, normalization, pitch/tone modification, amplitude control and of course my personal favourite EQ....
After like altering 20 frequency channels on the EQ panel, the Mac seem to slightly slow down a little, of course Windows would have crashed by then... and with all that editing the raw sound file would have been a few hundred MB, and we decided to save it on our network drives(note: we forgot to close the sound editing program) and started to transfer the files...
This is the cool part, suddenly the screen faded out, and a transparent black background started to slide down from the top of the screen, and in the center of that background was a white box saying "OS X has experianced some errors, please press the power buttom and ....blah blah blah...." can you guys imagine it, Macs actually have transition when it crashes, Windows just gives you this stupid blue screen. This is so cool, I think I'll go crash a few more Macs....seems fun...
Well, I am living proof, it IS possible to crashed Mac, althought I have to admint it is far more stable than our stupid Microsoft Windows, and of course the Mac OS X has sooo much more features with a completely new integrated design aspect ot the look and feel of the OS, it sometimes pretty much makes Windows look like cheap ice-cream.
Ok, my project partner and I where doing some heavy sound editing on the Mac, noise removal, tempo shift, normalization, pitch/tone modification, amplitude control and of course my personal favourite EQ....
After like altering 20 frequency channels on the EQ panel, the Mac seem to slightly slow down a little, of course Windows would have crashed by then... and with all that editing the raw sound file would have been a few hundred MB, and we decided to save it on our network drives(note: we forgot to close the sound editing program) and started to transfer the files...
This is the cool part, suddenly the screen faded out, and a transparent black background started to slide down from the top of the screen, and in the center of that background was a white box saying "OS X has experianced some errors, please press the power buttom and ....blah blah blah...." can you guys imagine it, Macs actually have transition when it crashes, Windows just gives you this stupid blue screen. This is so cool, I think I'll go crash a few more Macs....seems fun...
Friday, August 12, 2005
One night in Brisbane....
Hmm...what have I been up to lately....
Read on and find out.....
Date: 11/8/2005, Time: 10pm, Place: Mercury(club), Event: Singapore Students' Celebration(National Day)
This was the one crappest thing I did since coming here, and really I'll never do it again....cause it SUCKS!!! big time....
Damn I thought it was going to be fun, BUT...it was not fun at all...
Firstly I had to wait for 2hrs for my housemates to arrive(Dosen't mean that guy always have to wait for girl, and even if it is waiting, its not suppose to be that long....)
Than we walked to the club, just for the record, Mercury is nothing compared to Zouk, and the DJ sucks man, there was only like 2 retro songs the whole night..WAH LAU...the dance floor was smaller than Zouk...and the first few people dancing where a bunch of "ah liens" in short skirts and tubes.....GIVE ME A BREAK....
Vodka Cocktails were going at AUD$5 per bottle...some how or rather I think I downed more than 6 and what a let down, I didn't even feel "high" enough to start dancing...played a few games of pool and thanks to one of my housemates who...tried all means to distract me everytime I took a shot(let just say I felt the way she was behaving is VERY unGodly for a christian and I am stopping short at using harsher language on her), despite of that I still won, try harder next time ladies, touching and showing skin does not mean a guy will loose his concentration....
Here comes the best part.. its 2am we missed the last train home....which means we have totally no form of transport home until the next day...hmm what is the most logical thing to do when you are stuck in a forgien country with no transport home for the next 4hours...
1. Stop whining and start thinking.
2. Look for somewhere safe to sit around, prefablely a 24hr foodcourt.
3. Don't wonder off alone, in other words stick together.
4. Like it or not, we're all on the same boat so shut up already......
I think most of you would be able to guess that I was very pissed off with something, just wasen't showing it at that time... we spent the whole night/morning wondering around Brisbane, sitting at the train station looking for toilets and doing NOTHING...great just great....
Moral of the story, Australia really dosen't have a night life, its either pubs, sex or go home...I think I'll stick to choice number 3 for now....
Oh yah also plan before you leave for somewhere and having a rough idea of what the place might turn out to be...
Read on and find out.....
Date: 11/8/2005, Time: 10pm, Place: Mercury(club), Event: Singapore Students' Celebration(National Day)
This was the one crappest thing I did since coming here, and really I'll never do it again....cause it SUCKS!!! big time....
Damn I thought it was going to be fun, BUT...it was not fun at all...
Firstly I had to wait for 2hrs for my housemates to arrive(Dosen't mean that guy always have to wait for girl, and even if it is waiting, its not suppose to be that long....)
Than we walked to the club, just for the record, Mercury is nothing compared to Zouk, and the DJ sucks man, there was only like 2 retro songs the whole night..WAH LAU...the dance floor was smaller than Zouk...and the first few people dancing where a bunch of "ah liens" in short skirts and tubes.....GIVE ME A BREAK....
Vodka Cocktails were going at AUD$5 per bottle...some how or rather I think I downed more than 6 and what a let down, I didn't even feel "high" enough to start dancing...played a few games of pool and thanks to one of my housemates who...tried all means to distract me everytime I took a shot(let just say I felt the way she was behaving is VERY unGodly for a christian and I am stopping short at using harsher language on her), despite of that I still won, try harder next time ladies, touching and showing skin does not mean a guy will loose his concentration....
Here comes the best part.. its 2am we missed the last train home....which means we have totally no form of transport home until the next day...hmm what is the most logical thing to do when you are stuck in a forgien country with no transport home for the next 4hours...
1. Stop whining and start thinking.
2. Look for somewhere safe to sit around, prefablely a 24hr foodcourt.
3. Don't wonder off alone, in other words stick together.
4. Like it or not, we're all on the same boat so shut up already......
I think most of you would be able to guess that I was very pissed off with something, just wasen't showing it at that time... we spent the whole night/morning wondering around Brisbane, sitting at the train station looking for toilets and doing NOTHING...great just great....
Moral of the story, Australia really dosen't have a night life, its either pubs, sex or go home...I think I'll stick to choice number 3 for now....
Oh yah also plan before you leave for somewhere and having a rough idea of what the place might turn out to be...
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
p9930938 -> CPL Daniel -> s4084487
Time flies and thing happen and things go by, life moves on without waiting for us....
Sometimes too fast, sometimes too slow, sometimes faster than we know....
We try to move with it but are often caught too busy, and we feel as if we have no time...
But the truth is sometimes we are just wasting time...
Life and time will not delay...
Time is running fast away...
Life is now today today...
Well, just to let you guys know...p9930928 was my student number back in Singapore Poly, CPL Daniel was my final rank obtained in the Armed Forces, and finally now, s4084487 is my student ID number in UQ(University of Queensland)....
I see it strange as each and every stage and point of time, it is the same person, just that the time is different and at all 3 stages the same person will have different needs, different objectives and different goals, which makes it look as though, it is a totally different person, but in fact the same...
So what do we call this than? the Growing up process? Evolution? Adaptation? Conforming to time? hmmm....the same and yet different person....
Sometimes too fast, sometimes too slow, sometimes faster than we know....
We try to move with it but are often caught too busy, and we feel as if we have no time...
But the truth is sometimes we are just wasting time...
Life and time will not delay...
Time is running fast away...
Life is now today today...
Well, just to let you guys know...p9930928 was my student number back in Singapore Poly, CPL Daniel was my final rank obtained in the Armed Forces, and finally now, s4084487 is my student ID number in UQ(University of Queensland)....
I see it strange as each and every stage and point of time, it is the same person, just that the time is different and at all 3 stages the same person will have different needs, different objectives and different goals, which makes it look as though, it is a totally different person, but in fact the same...
So what do we call this than? the Growing up process? Evolution? Adaptation? Conforming to time? hmmm....the same and yet different person....
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
A few days have past
Its been a few days, I hope you guys enjoy the pics..
Well, school has started I'm not very busy YET...yes yes some of you know I only get 3 subject tihs semister...blah blah blah...but I can see from the course mater that I only have 3 for a reason, try having to create 4 movies, a major proramming project and doing some sound designing at the same time...guess I'm not so free after all ah...
I don't know why I'm posting this but let me just say when your overseas alone, there are a few things that you're very easy to fall into...
1. Loosing the guard on your heart...why
Because sometimes you just feel alone and you really want company, and the first girl/guy that come along is like, BAM, she's a good target and will be great for this time... Well think again, getting into a wrong relationship dosen't just affect your life, it affects 2 lives...so people don't ever loose guard, the heart, more like our hearts, can REALLY tell us the wrong things at times...
2. Removing/Forgetting God from our lives
If you where online this afternoon, you would have seen my msn nick as "Overwhelmed with fustration" yes, I was very fed up, for the first time in 5 years I slamed a door, and houses in aussie are made out of wood, so the bang was really loud. Why was I fustrated, I did not get the class timings I wanted for 2 subjuects in a role, and I couldn't find a project partner because I didn't know anyone, and I started to say "How I wished I was back in Singapore, this won't happen..." Notice one thing in my entire tought process.....Well, for those who have yet to figured it out, I forgot to pray, I've totally forgotten about God in the mist of all this fustration, when I was walking to class, I just said "God please help me, I hate it when this happens...", it was more of a complaint in life than a prayer to God....Thank God He didn't decide to strike me dead.....
Lets just say...God answers prayers, even though it sounds more like a complain... someone just happen to approach me during pratical session, and I've now got a project partner, I didn't get my time slots though, but it dosen't matter, life is defiantelly NOT about what I want...
So people I leave you with this for today...Tune in next time for the story of a boy, direct from Australia...same time all the time same blog....hahahaha
Well, school has started I'm not very busy YET...yes yes some of you know I only get 3 subject tihs semister...blah blah blah...but I can see from the course mater that I only have 3 for a reason, try having to create 4 movies, a major proramming project and doing some sound designing at the same time...guess I'm not so free after all ah...
I don't know why I'm posting this but let me just say when your overseas alone, there are a few things that you're very easy to fall into...
1. Loosing the guard on your heart...why
Because sometimes you just feel alone and you really want company, and the first girl/guy that come along is like, BAM, she's a good target and will be great for this time... Well think again, getting into a wrong relationship dosen't just affect your life, it affects 2 lives...so people don't ever loose guard, the heart, more like our hearts, can REALLY tell us the wrong things at times...
2. Removing/Forgetting God from our lives
If you where online this afternoon, you would have seen my msn nick as "Overwhelmed with fustration" yes, I was very fed up, for the first time in 5 years I slamed a door, and houses in aussie are made out of wood, so the bang was really loud. Why was I fustrated, I did not get the class timings I wanted for 2 subjuects in a role, and I couldn't find a project partner because I didn't know anyone, and I started to say "How I wished I was back in Singapore, this won't happen..." Notice one thing in my entire tought process.....Well, for those who have yet to figured it out, I forgot to pray, I've totally forgotten about God in the mist of all this fustration, when I was walking to class, I just said "God please help me, I hate it when this happens...", it was more of a complaint in life than a prayer to God....Thank God He didn't decide to strike me dead.....
Lets just say...God answers prayers, even though it sounds more like a complain... someone just happen to approach me during pratical session, and I've now got a project partner, I didn't get my time slots though, but it dosen't matter, life is defiantelly NOT about what I want...
So people I leave you with this for today...Tune in next time for the story of a boy, direct from Australia...same time all the time same blog....hahahaha
Monday, July 25, 2005
1 fine sunday....
Today is sunday..hahahaha, and guess what....
I attended a church in Ipswich Central, wow sounds good arh, Daniel attending church and all walking to church...blah blah blah, until I found out, the "methodist church" that I attending well, its a uniting church, and there are ONLY female pastor, and they believe in the catholic church and practices....
My house mate was like out of the church the minute she heard their paryer, I stayed for the sermon, they seem to have all the thing of a standard methodist church, singspration, scripture reading, sermon, benediction.... but their teachings seem very ritualized and YES they believe in the catholic church, which mean....I so NOT going there again....
Afternoon, I went to sunny bank a.k.a mini-chiantown....with my tursty little tour guide, yes, I really mean it trusty and little...she's non other than Tiffany, I'm sure some of you and imagine the amount of noise the 2 of us are capable of making....good thing sunny bank is still in one piece...ok it was really an eye opener to see another suburb of Queensland, and it looks just like china town, the first time I see more chinese than aussies here in Australia. The food was GREST, the shops were great, the prices were rather low, girls(Koreans and Japs) were great, and of course the whole place was great, looks like it's gonna be a place I visit on long weekends...
Just a bit of food for thought...
When I was at sunny bank, I saw Koreans, Japs, Hongkees, Taiwaniese guys, and their dressing was really ermm...lets just say it beats SG guys flat, we can dress up just as nice as them, but we just not doing it.....I don't know why but I seem to asked myself this question..."Does it please God, if I were to try and dress like them?" "Does it please God if I try to confirm to their style?" How I wished that everytime before I do something in life I'm able to ask this question, "By doing this....does it please God...?"
I attended a church in Ipswich Central, wow sounds good arh, Daniel attending church and all walking to church...blah blah blah, until I found out, the "methodist church" that I attending well, its a uniting church, and there are ONLY female pastor, and they believe in the catholic church and practices....
My house mate was like out of the church the minute she heard their paryer, I stayed for the sermon, they seem to have all the thing of a standard methodist church, singspration, scripture reading, sermon, benediction.... but their teachings seem very ritualized and YES they believe in the catholic church, which mean....I so NOT going there again....
Afternoon, I went to sunny bank a.k.a mini-chiantown....with my tursty little tour guide, yes, I really mean it trusty and little...she's non other than Tiffany, I'm sure some of you and imagine the amount of noise the 2 of us are capable of making....good thing sunny bank is still in one piece...ok it was really an eye opener to see another suburb of Queensland, and it looks just like china town, the first time I see more chinese than aussies here in Australia. The food was GREST, the shops were great, the prices were rather low, girls(Koreans and Japs) were great, and of course the whole place was great, looks like it's gonna be a place I visit on long weekends...
Just a bit of food for thought...
When I was at sunny bank, I saw Koreans, Japs, Hongkees, Taiwaniese guys, and their dressing was really ermm...lets just say it beats SG guys flat, we can dress up just as nice as them, but we just not doing it.....I don't know why but I seem to asked myself this question..."Does it please God, if I were to try and dress like them?" "Does it please God if I try to confirm to their style?" How I wished that everytime before I do something in life I'm able to ask this question, "By doing this....does it please God...?"
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Photos...of my room

Hmm, see something new??

My supply of food..

Things that make me feel at home...

My dressing table..

My study table...

My bed, yes yes, its an S.H.E. pillow

Just another angle of my room...

This is where I placed the jigsaw...you can actually see it from the living room

Behind that door are all my clothes...
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Monday, July 18, 2005
Orientation Day 1
In a flash things has started... its orientation day 1...
And I actually know this Swedish guy thats says its hot here in aussie...oh man...
Ok for all you SMU, NUS, NTU people, guess what...I've only got to take 3 modules this semister, and for the rest of my semister, I don't have to take more than 4 modules, so it either 4 or 3 modules per semister...and I only like got to school 3 days a week...its like WOW....
Well, some people will say, I'm going to be very bored, others will say I will be wondering around aussie, sorry to disappoint, but you've all got it wrong, Dennis once asked me why do I want to loan away my PS2 when I'm in aussie, won't I get bored?...
Here is something new(maybe not so new), you guys can try...Have you even tried talking to God when you're bored? If not, why not try, you never know what He might teach you...
Ok so whats new, my entire family is here already, Dad and Sis, just came today...(spending power up by 100%)hahahahaha.....but I won't really have time to spend with them these few days, I'll be in school and all and this and that and getting my Uni admin stuff settled...blah blah... so hopefully one of these days I'll be able to do some late night shopping...HOPEFULLY....
Jeremy I still remember one of your request, before I left maybe I'll be able to forfill it soon...
And I actually know this Swedish guy thats says its hot here in aussie...oh man...
Ok for all you SMU, NUS, NTU people, guess what...I've only got to take 3 modules this semister, and for the rest of my semister, I don't have to take more than 4 modules, so it either 4 or 3 modules per semister...and I only like got to school 3 days a week...its like WOW....
Well, some people will say, I'm going to be very bored, others will say I will be wondering around aussie, sorry to disappoint, but you've all got it wrong, Dennis once asked me why do I want to loan away my PS2 when I'm in aussie, won't I get bored?...
Here is something new(maybe not so new), you guys can try...Have you even tried talking to God when you're bored? If not, why not try, you never know what He might teach you...
Ok so whats new, my entire family is here already, Dad and Sis, just came today...(spending power up by 100%)hahahahaha.....but I won't really have time to spend with them these few days, I'll be in school and all and this and that and getting my Uni admin stuff settled...blah blah... so hopefully one of these days I'll be able to do some late night shopping...HOPEFULLY....
Jeremy I still remember one of your request, before I left maybe I'll be able to forfill it soon...
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Chapter 3
Where is the church?
This I prayed : "Dear LORD, I am lost now, I don't know what to do and I need some help, I know You have a purpose for me here, but I just can't see it now. LORD I can't find a church, I can't even see one on my way here from the airport, please show me just one building? just one building with a cross on it, not something as nice as FMC, but just a simple building with a cross, I feel so far from You now, show me where I can serve You. I just feel so far now LORD, please guide me, I can't carry on by my own, LORD....this I pray is Jesus name..Amen"
I prayed for God to show me just 1 build with a cross on it....
HE SHOWED ME 3...and more...I took a bus to Ipswich central it made a wrong turn(which usually dosen't happen) and during the process of making that wrong turn and getting back on the correct route I saw 3 churches and a building named "Wesley Mission Ipswich", I not only found a chruch I found a methodist church and a missions center...UQ also has a chapel service and one of my house mates is in OCF, it dosen't stop there, God showed me more....
1 Cor 3:16 - Don't you know that you are a temple of God, and that God's Spirit lives in you?
So why do I feel far from God? Do you need a "church" to know that God is around? Do you need a "church" to start a cell group? Do you need a "church" to worship God? Not at all.. God is EVERYWHERE...you don't need a building.
Already with that much heart knowledge I can drift away and start having doubts, what more if I only had head knowledge, I would have forgotten about God and it would be really sad...so I eurge all of you to work in heart knowledge, cause if you're not well gorunded, it is realy VERY easy to drift.
WINNER: it dosen't matter who won this round, all Glory goes to God.
This I prayed : "Dear LORD, I am lost now, I don't know what to do and I need some help, I know You have a purpose for me here, but I just can't see it now. LORD I can't find a church, I can't even see one on my way here from the airport, please show me just one building? just one building with a cross on it, not something as nice as FMC, but just a simple building with a cross, I feel so far from You now, show me where I can serve You. I just feel so far now LORD, please guide me, I can't carry on by my own, LORD....this I pray is Jesus name..Amen"
I prayed for God to show me just 1 build with a cross on it....
HE SHOWED ME 3...and more...I took a bus to Ipswich central it made a wrong turn(which usually dosen't happen) and during the process of making that wrong turn and getting back on the correct route I saw 3 churches and a building named "Wesley Mission Ipswich", I not only found a chruch I found a methodist church and a missions center...UQ also has a chapel service and one of my house mates is in OCF, it dosen't stop there, God showed me more....
1 Cor 3:16 - Don't you know that you are a temple of God, and that God's Spirit lives in you?
So why do I feel far from God? Do you need a "church" to know that God is around? Do you need a "church" to start a cell group? Do you need a "church" to worship God? Not at all.. God is EVERYWHERE...you don't need a building.
Already with that much heart knowledge I can drift away and start having doubts, what more if I only had head knowledge, I would have forgotten about God and it would be really sad...so I eurge all of you to work in heart knowledge, cause if you're not well gorunded, it is realy VERY easy to drift.
WINNER: it dosen't matter who won this round, all Glory goes to God.
Chapter 2
Chap2: Daniel V.S. the Weahter
Singapore you complain about the heat...here you complain about the cold...its hard to please a human being..
Oh yah, remember all those wooden frames you guys have me, they almost got quarinteen at the airport, its considered wooden articles...(yes Jeremy go ahead and say it : "What the COCK!!")yah but its ok they are all with me now.
Ok I got off the plane out into the open and got a shock, the wind was like freash and COLD....man it was COLD, Ipswich is like -2 degrees from the temp of Brisbane. To make things worse, my lips already cracked on the plane and now that is even colder, my lips are worse... :(
And well, whats that problem that I have when there is dry weather and extreme change in climate? Yes, continous nose bleeding....(its still happening every now and then today).
Things are SLOWER... but the country is beautiful, and the houses are a bit shorter, you don't get flats here, you get HOUSES, short houses...landed property anyone?
Well, with a set of cracked lips(no kissing for at least 1 month, not that I've got anybody to kiss), and a nose that feels like bleeding every once in awhile...
Winner: the WEATHER...
Glori, the Oakleys here are about $100 cheaper than in SG...hahaha....
Singapore you complain about the heat...here you complain about the cold...its hard to please a human being..
Oh yah, remember all those wooden frames you guys have me, they almost got quarinteen at the airport, its considered wooden articles...(yes Jeremy go ahead and say it : "What the COCK!!")yah but its ok they are all with me now.
Ok I got off the plane out into the open and got a shock, the wind was like freash and COLD....man it was COLD, Ipswich is like -2 degrees from the temp of Brisbane. To make things worse, my lips already cracked on the plane and now that is even colder, my lips are worse... :(
And well, whats that problem that I have when there is dry weather and extreme change in climate? Yes, continous nose bleeding....(its still happening every now and then today).
Things are SLOWER... but the country is beautiful, and the houses are a bit shorter, you don't get flats here, you get HOUSES, short houses...landed property anyone?
Well, with a set of cracked lips(no kissing for at least 1 month, not that I've got anybody to kiss), and a nose that feels like bleeding every once in awhile...
Winner: the WEATHER...
Glori, the Oakleys here are about $100 cheaper than in SG...hahaha....
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Chapter 1
Daniel V.S. the Air Plane
Ok I 've gotton off the plane, but I'm yet to get an internet access, not this is really a belated messages.
Aussie is a nice country but slow, very slow, things really move slowly. ok now more about Daniel V.S. the Air Plane.
You all know I have motion sickness, so it was a bit hard on that "stupid plane" and about a month ago I had dreams of the plane crashing or something, so that added to me being more scared of the plane. Thanks to all your prayers, and all, I don't have to update my blog from heaven.
I hate plane rides, I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and worse of all the air corn was so cold my lips started to crack. I tried to watch a movie but there was really nothing nice and believe me, when you're feeling that sick you really don't feel like watching anything. So it just went on for 8 hrs, lucky no babies cried on board otherwise that would have been my braking point. Landing was the worst, my motion sickness took full effect and I was like grabing my air sickness bag, but thanks fully again, I didn't have to use it, was more or less busy chewing my gum and trying to "pre-occupied" looking to "things" to look at....although there was nothing.
Fianlly the time comes, 11th july 9.25am, touch down in brisbane, 1 one piece, have not vormited, but a bit hungry and tired of course. Therefore Winner is DANIEL....
So thats it just to let you guy know I'm safe, and I miss all of you back there, looking for a church now.
(to Esther, Glorijoy and Lijun, I placed that jiggsaw puzzle in a position that if I where to leave my room door opened, anybody that walks in to the house and take a small peek into my room, they will be able to see it. And Joshua for goodness sick pick up the phone when I call you the next time, Jeremy thanks for answering the call, really needed to talk to someone at that time.)
stay tunes for chapter Daniel V.S. the Weather...
Ok I 've gotton off the plane, but I'm yet to get an internet access, not this is really a belated messages.
Aussie is a nice country but slow, very slow, things really move slowly. ok now more about Daniel V.S. the Air Plane.
You all know I have motion sickness, so it was a bit hard on that "stupid plane" and about a month ago I had dreams of the plane crashing or something, so that added to me being more scared of the plane. Thanks to all your prayers, and all, I don't have to update my blog from heaven.
I hate plane rides, I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and worse of all the air corn was so cold my lips started to crack. I tried to watch a movie but there was really nothing nice and believe me, when you're feeling that sick you really don't feel like watching anything. So it just went on for 8 hrs, lucky no babies cried on board otherwise that would have been my braking point. Landing was the worst, my motion sickness took full effect and I was like grabing my air sickness bag, but thanks fully again, I didn't have to use it, was more or less busy chewing my gum and trying to "pre-occupied" looking to "things" to look at....although there was nothing.
Fianlly the time comes, 11th july 9.25am, touch down in brisbane, 1 one piece, have not vormited, but a bit hungry and tired of course. Therefore Winner is DANIEL....
So thats it just to let you guy know I'm safe, and I miss all of you back there, looking for a church now.
(to Esther, Glorijoy and Lijun, I placed that jiggsaw puzzle in a position that if I where to leave my room door opened, anybody that walks in to the house and take a small peek into my room, they will be able to see it. And Joshua for goodness sick pick up the phone when I call you the next time, Jeremy thanks for answering the call, really needed to talk to someone at that time.)
stay tunes for chapter Daniel V.S. the Weather...
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Commentry on video (sermon on the blog)
Ok, I know some of you will be looking out for this, so here goes, but first I'll just say a few things(as usual)
This was not the biggest production I've ever made, the biggest one was for "Sink or Swim", BUT back then, my focus was by no means right, it was more to show off and I was to young a Christian to know what it means to actually do thing for God, or in view of God. So yah, this video, I had to make sure I was walking right all the time, otherwise the focus would go off and nothing will be right, so I eurge all of you guys, be it whatever you ar doing, singing, playing, organising something...etc set your spiritual formation correct.
Ok here goes, i didn't even notice I had 8 chunks of verses in that video, didn't bother counting them, just kept on adding them as long as the mean was there...
Why did I quote all the verses in KJV, I won't answer this question but if you really want to know please ask Jeremy.
verse 1, the LORD's Prayer why start with the LORD's prayer, I was actually sturggle with this, as the origianl intend was to start with something else, but yah, I ended the video with 1 Cor 15:10, and it points back to God, so I decided to start with the LORD's Prayer, because as much I want to do this video for you guys, I want to do it for God as well and dedicate it to Him, so why only show that at the end, why not let everybody know that from the start.
verse 2, Acts 2 46:47, ok this one is pretty simple, but its the start of the journey, notice before this I show pictures of the old MYF, because we were really that smalland if you ask me to use 1 word to summrise these 2 verses, I would say fellowship because that is what fellowship really is(as stated in the verse) coming together to not only spent time with each other but with God, as God did add to our numbers...
verse 3, Isaiah 40:30-31, as God added to our numbers I'm sure some will feel tired and some will feel faint, will cause thats how I felt at that time, it was around that time when I enter into the YM comm, and after like just 1 year serving in it I really felt tired, but look, what does this verse say, by no means we should run by our own strength, but every step we should wait upon the LORD. Look at what Christ said in Matt 11:28-30.
verse 4, Romans 12:1-2, this verse actually ties down with the song("2 hands 1 heart by Don Moen") the first line goes "What can I give, What can I bring?" now let me ask all of us this question, What do we have that is not given to us by God, What do we know that de does not already know? the answer is pretty easy....NOTHING... so what does this verse say, offer your body, in other words give everything, what does the song say "2 hands, 1 heart, 1 life, I offer you", "I'll give you my heart, not just a part, I'm giving you my everything." So in the midst of serveing and all lets not forget, what we must be prepared to give.
verse 5, Psalms 139:1-6, the words scrolled too fast here, because the song here is also Psalms 139, so if you missed the words, listen to the song. In the midst of all our ministry and serving, lets not forget that God know who we are, and this psalms pretty much tells us how much God know us, He know our tought even before we act, He know our words even before we speak, He know our rights and or wrongs, He know how sinfull we have all became, and He will always love us even though He knows. This my friends I consider it Grace, something we don't even deserve. Knowing that God knows us so well, should't we all make an extra effort to know God, to walk right with God?
verse 6, Proverbs 27:17, this is a very out of the blue thing, cause it was meant more for Joshua and Jeremy, I think this verse pretty much sums up how the 3 of us really compliments one another, how close we are to each other and how much we have all grown, and of course, I'm sure this goes for the 2 of them as well, we all thank God that we always have each other around to depend on.
verse 7, 1 Chornicles 29:14, another verse that ties in with the song("Who am I" by casting crowns), because really who am I, or who are we? because all things come from God, and we are only giving back to God what He has already given us. Listen to the song, "Who am I, that the LORD of all the earth, would care to know my name, would care to feel my hurt?", "Not because of who I am, but because of what You've done. Not because of what I've done, but because of who You are. I am the flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomrrow, a wave tossed in the ocean, a vapour in the air, still You hear me when I'm calling, LORD you catch me when I'm falling and You tld me who I am...I am Your's"
Verse 8, 1 Corinthians 15:10, the main gist of this verse is actually humility, but I take it as dedicating everything possible in my life back to God, thats why before all this I actually type out what so many people have said to me, written in cards and books, in emails...as 2 things, i wanted to thanks all these people for encouraging me along the way, and I also want to tell them this.....
Don't Thank me, Thank God for making me me, for what I have done was only made possible through God and God alone, NOT that I deserve to be able to do all these, but it was His Grace that allowed me to do so...
This was not the biggest production I've ever made, the biggest one was for "Sink or Swim", BUT back then, my focus was by no means right, it was more to show off and I was to young a Christian to know what it means to actually do thing for God, or in view of God. So yah, this video, I had to make sure I was walking right all the time, otherwise the focus would go off and nothing will be right, so I eurge all of you guys, be it whatever you ar doing, singing, playing, organising something...etc set your spiritual formation correct.
Ok here goes, i didn't even notice I had 8 chunks of verses in that video, didn't bother counting them, just kept on adding them as long as the mean was there...
Why did I quote all the verses in KJV, I won't answer this question but if you really want to know please ask Jeremy.
verse 1, the LORD's Prayer why start with the LORD's prayer, I was actually sturggle with this, as the origianl intend was to start with something else, but yah, I ended the video with 1 Cor 15:10, and it points back to God, so I decided to start with the LORD's Prayer, because as much I want to do this video for you guys, I want to do it for God as well and dedicate it to Him, so why only show that at the end, why not let everybody know that from the start.
verse 2, Acts 2 46:47, ok this one is pretty simple, but its the start of the journey, notice before this I show pictures of the old MYF, because we were really that smalland if you ask me to use 1 word to summrise these 2 verses, I would say fellowship because that is what fellowship really is(as stated in the verse) coming together to not only spent time with each other but with God, as God did add to our numbers...
verse 3, Isaiah 40:30-31, as God added to our numbers I'm sure some will feel tired and some will feel faint, will cause thats how I felt at that time, it was around that time when I enter into the YM comm, and after like just 1 year serving in it I really felt tired, but look, what does this verse say, by no means we should run by our own strength, but every step we should wait upon the LORD. Look at what Christ said in Matt 11:28-30.
verse 4, Romans 12:1-2, this verse actually ties down with the song("2 hands 1 heart by Don Moen") the first line goes "What can I give, What can I bring?" now let me ask all of us this question, What do we have that is not given to us by God, What do we know that de does not already know? the answer is pretty easy....NOTHING... so what does this verse say, offer your body, in other words give everything, what does the song say "2 hands, 1 heart, 1 life, I offer you", "I'll give you my heart, not just a part, I'm giving you my everything." So in the midst of serveing and all lets not forget, what we must be prepared to give.
verse 5, Psalms 139:1-6, the words scrolled too fast here, because the song here is also Psalms 139, so if you missed the words, listen to the song. In the midst of all our ministry and serving, lets not forget that God know who we are, and this psalms pretty much tells us how much God know us, He know our tought even before we act, He know our words even before we speak, He know our rights and or wrongs, He know how sinfull we have all became, and He will always love us even though He knows. This my friends I consider it Grace, something we don't even deserve. Knowing that God knows us so well, should't we all make an extra effort to know God, to walk right with God?
verse 6, Proverbs 27:17, this is a very out of the blue thing, cause it was meant more for Joshua and Jeremy, I think this verse pretty much sums up how the 3 of us really compliments one another, how close we are to each other and how much we have all grown, and of course, I'm sure this goes for the 2 of them as well, we all thank God that we always have each other around to depend on.
verse 7, 1 Chornicles 29:14, another verse that ties in with the song("Who am I" by casting crowns), because really who am I, or who are we? because all things come from God, and we are only giving back to God what He has already given us. Listen to the song, "Who am I, that the LORD of all the earth, would care to know my name, would care to feel my hurt?", "Not because of who I am, but because of what You've done. Not because of what I've done, but because of who You are. I am the flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomrrow, a wave tossed in the ocean, a vapour in the air, still You hear me when I'm calling, LORD you catch me when I'm falling and You tld me who I am...I am Your's"
Verse 8, 1 Corinthians 15:10, the main gist of this verse is actually humility, but I take it as dedicating everything possible in my life back to God, thats why before all this I actually type out what so many people have said to me, written in cards and books, in emails...as 2 things, i wanted to thanks all these people for encouraging me along the way, and I also want to tell them this.....
Don't Thank me, Thank God for making me me, for what I have done was only made possible through God and God alone, NOT that I deserve to be able to do all these, but it was His Grace that allowed me to do so...
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Only a few more days....
WOW, its just like 6 more days before I finally fly off to aussie for studies....
I can't believe, I'm actually really leaving, what turned out first as only a dream is now Real...
Finally I'm gonna wake up one day and poof....I'm in Australia...
Have been spending time with most of my friends now a days, going here, going there...going everywhere...looking at this, looking at that, looking at almost everywhere... and everything...
buying this buying that....trying to think of things that I will need there and cost cheaper over here...but really I can't think of much...
I feel sad because I'm leaving, I feel happy because its going to be a whole new experiance, and I just don't know how to feel about this...OH MAN!!!!!! ARHHHHHH!!!!! WHY!!!!!!! I hate having mixed feelings, feels as though you're a guy having PMS, one minute you're happy, one minute you're sad....this sucks man...
I'm really gonna miss you guys back here, and I'm not even sure of what ahead of e now, and for some of you, don't bother trying to make me stay, cause its now a matter of too little too late..so yah thats it.
I wished a had a little more time to spend time with you guys, but it just seems like time is never enough,and truely it IS never enough...
I can't believe, I'm actually really leaving, what turned out first as only a dream is now Real...
Finally I'm gonna wake up one day and poof....I'm in Australia...
Have been spending time with most of my friends now a days, going here, going there...going everywhere...looking at this, looking at that, looking at almost everywhere... and everything...
buying this buying that....trying to think of things that I will need there and cost cheaper over here...but really I can't think of much...
I feel sad because I'm leaving, I feel happy because its going to be a whole new experiance, and I just don't know how to feel about this...OH MAN!!!!!! ARHHHHHH!!!!! WHY!!!!!!! I hate having mixed feelings, feels as though you're a guy having PMS, one minute you're happy, one minute you're sad....this sucks man...
I'm really gonna miss you guys back here, and I'm not even sure of what ahead of e now, and for some of you, don't bother trying to make me stay, cause its now a matter of too little too late..so yah thats it.
I wished a had a little more time to spend time with you guys, but it just seems like time is never enough,and truely it IS never enough...
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Another one of those weird days.....
ermm....today was pretty weird....yah ermm weird....
Thing happened as usual, went out, went jogging learnt how to cook more food today's lesson was fried kue toew...I can't believe I'm actually learning how to cook...what is the world coming to...yah thats it I'm training to be a house husband...yah thats right if my future wife want to be the head of the family, I've got no complains, I'm happy staying at home everyday....YAH!!!hahahahaha
Today just feels funny, thats why I'm adding an entry for nothing...ok ok I'll just type some questions for reader to pounder upon...
"One must learn to obey before he can command."
"To love is to obey, to obey is to believe..than how can be love someone we do not know? or how can we believe someone we do not know?"
"To evngalise is easy, but what does it take to really make a deciple?"
"What does is mean to worship in spirit and in truth?"
"What is Salvation?"
"What does it mean to be useful for God?"
"What does it mean to carry your cross daily and follow him?"
"A New commandment I give unto you that you love(agape) one another as I have loved(agape) you" - Is this do-able?
Actually these are just some of the questions going through my head the past few days...and now as I looked back...wow a lot has happened...
And fianlly last but not least "Why do girls have to go to toilets in groups??!?!?!" can somebody please tag me with an answer?
Thing happened as usual, went out, went jogging learnt how to cook more food today's lesson was fried kue toew...I can't believe I'm actually learning how to cook...what is the world coming to...yah thats it I'm training to be a house husband...yah thats right if my future wife want to be the head of the family, I've got no complains, I'm happy staying at home everyday....YAH!!!hahahahaha
Today just feels funny, thats why I'm adding an entry for nothing...ok ok I'll just type some questions for reader to pounder upon...
"One must learn to obey before he can command."
"To love is to obey, to obey is to believe..than how can be love someone we do not know? or how can we believe someone we do not know?"
"To evngalise is easy, but what does it take to really make a deciple?"
"What does is mean to worship in spirit and in truth?"
"What is Salvation?"
"What does it mean to be useful for God?"
"What does it mean to carry your cross daily and follow him?"
"A New commandment I give unto you that you love(agape) one another as I have loved(agape) you" - Is this do-able?
Actually these are just some of the questions going through my head the past few days...and now as I looked back...wow a lot has happened...
And fianlly last but not least "Why do girls have to go to toilets in groups??!?!?!" can somebody please tag me with an answer?
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Best service ever experianced
That was the best service I've ever experianced, we did service this morning for our church(8.00am and 9.45am) and it was great.
Never felt that way before, maybe its becuase we all got of on the same focus as our worship leader Jeremy(God). Well, Jem tell you the truth I was actrually looking forward to you doing a "Don Moen" playing the keyboard and singing at the same time, actually thought it would be cool and different as well, but that again I do get your point of getting carried away and not focusing on God.
There is just something different about this morning's service, the musicians: Paul(Drums), Joel(Base), Glorijoy(Volin), Syn min(Keyboard), Shangjun(A/Guiter), Dorarity(Piano), the backup singers: Adeline, Joshua, Derek and Angie(She really sound like Sun Yan Zi), the Sound Crew: Lijun, Esther, Ziteng and me(Daniel) and of course our fearless leader Jeremy....for some reason or so we were all together...
The repackageing of hyms was amazing, the hyms sounds new, but the meaning is still there...and for the first time someone told me the sound was good....
But at the end of the day, good as things may be...
That was the best service I've ever experianced, we did service this morning for our church(8.00am and 9.45am) and it was great.
Never felt that way before, maybe its becuase we all got of on the same focus as our worship leader Jeremy(God). Well, Jem tell you the truth I was actrually looking forward to you doing a "Don Moen" playing the keyboard and singing at the same time, actually thought it would be cool and different as well, but that again I do get your point of getting carried away and not focusing on God.
There is just something different about this morning's service, the musicians: Paul(Drums), Joel(Base), Glorijoy(Volin), Syn min(Keyboard), Shangjun(A/Guiter), Dorarity(Piano), the backup singers: Adeline, Joshua, Derek and Angie(She really sound like Sun Yan Zi), the Sound Crew: Lijun, Esther, Ziteng and me(Daniel) and of course our fearless leader Jeremy....for some reason or so we were all together...
The repackageing of hyms was amazing, the hyms sounds new, but the meaning is still there...and for the first time someone told me the sound was good....
But at the end of the day, good as things may be...
Friday, June 17, 2005
3 and 1/2 days of peace....followed....
Wow...the past 3 days was really peaceful, nobody to disturbe me, I could play "ROME: Total War" for the whole day and get to absorbed in it..fighting spartans...trying to crusade to Jerusalem..etc. Its like I have so much time to spend with myself that I don't know how to spend it sometimes, went jogging everyday, swimming on alternate nights...(thank God I'm still single otherwise I won't have time for all these...hehehehe)
This free time not only enables me to spend time with myself, but I do find myself praying more often, not as in praying and asking for something, but rather just praying and talking..yah sounds wired right? But to all my Christians friends, have you guys tried doing it? I'm sure its gonna be a very refreashing experiance....
And now the 3 1/2 days have ended, its like I've been thrown with a lot of home work out of a sudden....I'm not saying I hate doing verse study, but let me be prepared when you ask me..you, don't do it out of a blue, I'll get shocked myself....
As to why, I was doing verse study on all those verses...well its another story for another time, for those who want to know, their Genesis 11:7 and Revelations 3:16, I do have notes on them rather detailed ones in fact and I'll be glade to explain them to anyone seeking an explaination....
So ends another chapter...
This free time not only enables me to spend time with myself, but I do find myself praying more often, not as in praying and asking for something, but rather just praying and talking..yah sounds wired right? But to all my Christians friends, have you guys tried doing it? I'm sure its gonna be a very refreashing experiance....
And now the 3 1/2 days have ended, its like I've been thrown with a lot of home work out of a sudden....I'm not saying I hate doing verse study, but let me be prepared when you ask me..you, don't do it out of a blue, I'll get shocked myself....
As to why, I was doing verse study on all those verses...well its another story for another time, for those who want to know, their Genesis 11:7 and Revelations 3:16, I do have notes on them rather detailed ones in fact and I'll be glade to explain them to anyone seeking an explaination....
So ends another chapter...
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Question, Question, Question, Questions
The following are a list of questions pertaining to how wired, both men and women are.
(guys please answer the men part, girls please answer the women part)
1. Why do girl go to the toilet in groups?
2. If there is the bra why invent the nipple tape?
3. Are cramp really THAT painful?
4. Is it impossible to survive with just 1 pair of slippers?
5. Do all your footware need to match your clothes?
6. Why do women take so long just to get dressed?
7. Is it really that difficult to read a road map?
8. If you move from point A to point B, you move from A to B, NOT A to C than to somewhere else....
9. Why are you constantly trying to prove that women are the greater sex? Cause if you really are, there won't be a need to.
10. Dose SIZE really matter?
1. How many of you does it take to just change a light bulb?
2. Why can't you talk while shaving?
3. Is male ego really THAT important?
4. If you even counted the number of people you listened to in life, minus your girlfriend, the number will always be ZERO...
5. If men need time alone, why do you aspect women to be around on demand?
6. Is it that diffucult to sit down a just LISTEN without giving comments?
7. Why do men always assume that bad drivers are women?(even though it is a fact)
8. Is it really that hard to use both sides of your brain to think?
9. I'm not saying men are the greater sex, I'm saying we are equal, can't you get this point right?
10. Does SIZE really matter?
Other than that I guess, whats left is "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
P.S. Please do not report me to some faminist accociation and neither am I gay.
(guys please answer the men part, girls please answer the women part)
1. Why do girl go to the toilet in groups?
2. If there is the bra why invent the nipple tape?
3. Are cramp really THAT painful?
4. Is it impossible to survive with just 1 pair of slippers?
5. Do all your footware need to match your clothes?
6. Why do women take so long just to get dressed?
7. Is it really that difficult to read a road map?
8. If you move from point A to point B, you move from A to B, NOT A to C than to somewhere else....
9. Why are you constantly trying to prove that women are the greater sex? Cause if you really are, there won't be a need to.
10. Dose SIZE really matter?
1. How many of you does it take to just change a light bulb?
2. Why can't you talk while shaving?
3. Is male ego really THAT important?
4. If you even counted the number of people you listened to in life, minus your girlfriend, the number will always be ZERO...
5. If men need time alone, why do you aspect women to be around on demand?
6. Is it that diffucult to sit down a just LISTEN without giving comments?
7. Why do men always assume that bad drivers are women?(even though it is a fact)
8. Is it really that hard to use both sides of your brain to think?
9. I'm not saying men are the greater sex, I'm saying we are equal, can't you get this point right?
10. Does SIZE really matter?
Other than that I guess, whats left is "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
P.S. Please do not report me to some faminist accociation and neither am I gay.
Friday, May 06, 2005
Not a very good time...
It not a good time now...Well, how would I know its not like I wanted it or anything, but having a ear infection when sound and music is something you love, can really get to you...
Just imagine, you enjoy doing sound/mixer, playing music and when you get a ear infection its like your hearing sensitivity is down by like 10 to 20% you just can't hear as clearly as you can before... this feeling sucks...its just like a panist with a fractured finger...
I tried play the guiter yesterday, and I can't hear that slight sound difference in between the changing of chords, it really sucks, and to make matter worse I'm going for a musical tomorrow, how the hell am I going to enjoy when I'm in this state...this is really not a very good time...
Just imagine, you enjoy doing sound/mixer, playing music and when you get a ear infection its like your hearing sensitivity is down by like 10 to 20% you just can't hear as clearly as you can before... this feeling sucks...its just like a panist with a fractured finger...
I tried play the guiter yesterday, and I can't hear that slight sound difference in between the changing of chords, it really sucks, and to make matter worse I'm going for a musical tomorrow, how the hell am I going to enjoy when I'm in this state...this is really not a very good time...
Friday, April 29, 2005
Dispute against Evolution
As some of you can see I happen to be rather free today and I'm also sick and tired of going through session ans session of apologetics with people who dispute the bible. SO, I'll take my turn at disputing evolution...COME ON!!!
Firstly how was the world created? A big bang? Within an insteant? Than let me ask WHAT create this big bang? OR was it a mear coincidence? Cause if it is a coincidence and life would be nothing be a coincidence than what is the purpose of living, why not we just all go and die now because there will be no purpose in life...
Evolution is said to happen billions of years ago, so how old is earth? Or as a matter of fact how old is the universe? If earth was created by a big bang, than how was the sun created? how the the moon create? how was mars created? All through big bangs?
If man evolved from apes. Why are there no apes turning into humans today? So instead of hair we comb our monkey far every morning? What is the link? Where is the link? Even Charles Darwin can't prove the link between man and apes.
What about human feelings? Are our feelings part of a "package plan" in evolution? If it is than explain the difference between humans, why do some feel more than others? What about the speaking of different languages different races was this all part of evolution as well? or is it again another BIG conincidence?
Why does the heart beat? Has science managed to prove why the heart beats? What about spirits? Did evolution mention anything about spirits?
Evolutionary theory predicts that related organisms will share similarities that are derived from common ancestors. So far evolution ask only predicted what things where and how things used to be, but has evolution managed to predict what will man or earth evolve to become in the furture? So, then is evolution happening today when we look into the furture? or does evolution only exist only when we look into the past?
So the next time somebody questions the existance of my God, please answer all the above question first.
Firstly how was the world created? A big bang? Within an insteant? Than let me ask WHAT create this big bang? OR was it a mear coincidence? Cause if it is a coincidence and life would be nothing be a coincidence than what is the purpose of living, why not we just all go and die now because there will be no purpose in life...
Evolution is said to happen billions of years ago, so how old is earth? Or as a matter of fact how old is the universe? If earth was created by a big bang, than how was the sun created? how the the moon create? how was mars created? All through big bangs?
If man evolved from apes. Why are there no apes turning into humans today? So instead of hair we comb our monkey far every morning? What is the link? Where is the link? Even Charles Darwin can't prove the link between man and apes.
What about human feelings? Are our feelings part of a "package plan" in evolution? If it is than explain the difference between humans, why do some feel more than others? What about the speaking of different languages different races was this all part of evolution as well? or is it again another BIG conincidence?
Why does the heart beat? Has science managed to prove why the heart beats? What about spirits? Did evolution mention anything about spirits?
Evolutionary theory predicts that related organisms will share similarities that are derived from common ancestors. So far evolution ask only predicted what things where and how things used to be, but has evolution managed to predict what will man or earth evolve to become in the furture? So, then is evolution happening today when we look into the furture? or does evolution only exist only when we look into the past?
So the next time somebody questions the existance of my God, please answer all the above question first.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Sometime its can get really bored....
Ok...I've got people telling me to post something on my blog...but really...what is there to post, I mean like nothing interesting is happening, what am I suppose to post???
Ok ermmm...finally ot down to writing my book on what ever knowledge I'm going to leave behind, playing my old PS2 games for a change(retro ley)... other than that, its been a bit boring everynow and then, although I'm enjoying the rest and still considering my offer from SMU and of course UQ has yet to send me the confirmation of emrollment, but thats pretty much it for now.
What else do you guys want tme to write, my dating stories? Thats history and its boring enough already. Thanks josh you really did make me a lot more boring, yah right...6 out of 10 quailites are boring, dude I was about the say the same for you man..so lets address the following list to all my firends..
Josh you're just as boring as I am, Jem don't laugh you're somewhere around there too, James you're the most "hugable" I've even known, Weiwei press on the day is approaching(second coming), Shangjun thanks man the new guit rocks(but I'm still broke though), Lijun you can't sing loud but you can really whine, Esther did anyone ever tell you you have very good skin?, Glori! What the hack did you do to your hair its pink?, Tiff you're always loud, Tee you're the only girl who I know hates herself, Tng you're also becoming wired welcome to the club, Amos m&m now come in DARK chocolate flavour. And for the last time whats wrong with liking S.H.E. their not "xiao mei mei" thier at least 23 years old!!!
Ok ermmm...finally ot down to writing my book on what ever knowledge I'm going to leave behind, playing my old PS2 games for a change(retro ley)... other than that, its been a bit boring everynow and then, although I'm enjoying the rest and still considering my offer from SMU and of course UQ has yet to send me the confirmation of emrollment, but thats pretty much it for now.
What else do you guys want tme to write, my dating stories? Thats history and its boring enough already. Thanks josh you really did make me a lot more boring, yah right...6 out of 10 quailites are boring, dude I was about the say the same for you man..so lets address the following list to all my firends..
Josh you're just as boring as I am, Jem don't laugh you're somewhere around there too, James you're the most "hugable" I've even known, Weiwei press on the day is approaching(second coming), Shangjun thanks man the new guit rocks(but I'm still broke though), Lijun you can't sing loud but you can really whine, Esther did anyone ever tell you you have very good skin?, Glori! What the hack did you do to your hair its pink?, Tiff you're always loud, Tee you're the only girl who I know hates herself, Tng you're also becoming wired welcome to the club, Amos m&m now come in DARK chocolate flavour. And for the last time whats wrong with liking S.H.E. their not "xiao mei mei" thier at least 23 years old!!!
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
The decision is made....
Finally I've decided to go, go where? Well go to UQ for my studies its been such a struggle...
The person who is able to hold me back is on longer with me(that person was Daphne), will there be another such person...well I'm not sure about it myself either....
I gonna be for 2 years, is it a long time or will it just past with the blink of an eye? Noboy knows, whats going to happen when I get there? Will everything be ok, smooth running? Nobody knows, just too many questions in the air now, but never the less I've decided to go to UQ. Sometimes you just have to take this step of faith and left God do the rest..
Why is it such a struggle when nothing is holding me back anymore? That is a mystery to even myself...
However I do take back the phrase of "There is nothing left for me to stay behind for." because there is something for me to return to after all, my friends, my church, my family and lastly my memories.
Someone once asked me "Daniel do you really have to go?", I'm not going to answer that question, but look to the future and ask me "Daniel will you becoming back?" the answer is definatelly a "YES!!"...
The person who is able to hold me back is on longer with me(that person was Daphne), will there be another such person...well I'm not sure about it myself either....
I gonna be for 2 years, is it a long time or will it just past with the blink of an eye? Noboy knows, whats going to happen when I get there? Will everything be ok, smooth running? Nobody knows, just too many questions in the air now, but never the less I've decided to go to UQ. Sometimes you just have to take this step of faith and left God do the rest..
Why is it such a struggle when nothing is holding me back anymore? That is a mystery to even myself...
However I do take back the phrase of "There is nothing left for me to stay behind for." because there is something for me to return to after all, my friends, my church, my family and lastly my memories.
Someone once asked me "Daniel do you really have to go?", I'm not going to answer that question, but look to the future and ask me "Daniel will you becoming back?" the answer is definatelly a "YES!!"...
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
A fairy tale...
Just a song I like...
You cired and said fairy tales are not true..
That it was impossible that I am your prince..
But you didn't know that from the day I fell in love with you
My sky has been lited up by stars...
I will become the angle you loved in the story...
Opening my arms as wings to protect you from all...
You must believe...
Believe that we will be like a fairy tale...
Living happliy ever after...
You cired and said fairy tales are not true..
That it was impossible that I am your prince..
But you didn't know that from the day I fell in love with you
My sky has been lited up by stars...
I will become the angle you loved in the story...
Opening my arms as wings to protect you from all...
You must believe...
Believe that we will be like a fairy tale...
Living happliy ever after...
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Easter Sunday was a blast...
Today was great..sometimes I hope that I can feel like this everyday..
Not just because it was easter sunday, but because I finally played a part in it and this is really one of the best anniversarys I've ever had with God..
Firstly thanks to my sound crew, Esther, Lijun and Ziteng(names placed in ascending order according to height..hahahah)i not only see 3 people who have help me today, but I see 3 people who can replace me and carry one what I have been doing here.
It is true that you cannot find a second Daniel in FMC, for a simple reason God made each and everyone of us different, but you can find several people who are able to serve God the same way I did in church or even better. So YM listen up, all your multimedia and sound stuff will not be lost even when I leave for my studies.
Another big thanks to ShangJun and Favian as well, for teaching me so much and whatever knowledge I am missing from my experiance of doing PA during NDP.
And of course how can I forget my 2 talk cock buddies Joshua(a.k.a Ah Shua)and Jeremy, you guys have been a huge mental help to me, encouragment, stress relieve...etc. Yah I know I'm heavy, so I need 2 good friends to "carry" me though tough times..
Seems a bit bias to just thank certain people, yah to thanks to everyone else for just being there.
hmm now how sbould I end this....."keep shining for God"?, "In his name"?, nahhhh I think I'll just leave it as it is... :-P
Not just because it was easter sunday, but because I finally played a part in it and this is really one of the best anniversarys I've ever had with God..
Firstly thanks to my sound crew, Esther, Lijun and Ziteng(names placed in ascending order according to height..hahahah)i not only see 3 people who have help me today, but I see 3 people who can replace me and carry one what I have been doing here.
It is true that you cannot find a second Daniel in FMC, for a simple reason God made each and everyone of us different, but you can find several people who are able to serve God the same way I did in church or even better. So YM listen up, all your multimedia and sound stuff will not be lost even when I leave for my studies.
Another big thanks to ShangJun and Favian as well, for teaching me so much and whatever knowledge I am missing from my experiance of doing PA during NDP.
And of course how can I forget my 2 talk cock buddies Joshua(a.k.a Ah Shua)and Jeremy, you guys have been a huge mental help to me, encouragment, stress relieve...etc. Yah I know I'm heavy, so I need 2 good friends to "carry" me though tough times..
Seems a bit bias to just thank certain people, yah to thanks to everyone else for just being there.
hmm now how sbould I end this....."keep shining for God"?, "In his name"?, nahhhh I think I'll just leave it as it is... :-P
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Easter Sunday coming...
Hei Hei hei....
Its been a while again as usual....what have I done so far...other than work of course...attened a music camp and had my first church friendly match(soccer)...
Well other than my guiter skill really improving so far and having won that friendly match(got a yellow card though).Life has been rather messy., stressed at work, and sometimes I just hate going to work the environment and feeling of being attached out to another company really sucks. I hate their culture there, its like totally different and the people there have no life..they just stone at their computer and work the whole day, their so....so....work orientated...if I can work at some where, I must be able to call it me third home and I want to feel comfortable there, not like this sucky place..sometimes I can't wait for my last day at work...that all of this will end..
Ok Easter Sunday is just like a few hours away...as usual I will be doing another thing I do best, that is being a sound man for the church service. And this time round the band is really huge, 10 instruments and 4 vocals, plue 2 CD channels...Easter Sunday has always been special to me...since the day I became a Christian, as it was on Easter itself that I became a Christian, and this one is no excpetion, in fact it is even more special this time round. This is my 10th anniversary, I look back and see the past 10 years of my life and boy have I changed a lot...from student to leader to soldier and now working life...but my spritual life has changed as well...how have I gorwn...Well...only God knows...
Its been a while again as usual....what have I done so far...other than work of course...attened a music camp and had my first church friendly match(soccer)...
Well other than my guiter skill really improving so far and having won that friendly match(got a yellow card though).Life has been rather messy., stressed at work, and sometimes I just hate going to work the environment and feeling of being attached out to another company really sucks. I hate their culture there, its like totally different and the people there have no life..they just stone at their computer and work the whole day, their so....so....work orientated...if I can work at some where, I must be able to call it me third home and I want to feel comfortable there, not like this sucky place..sometimes I can't wait for my last day at work...that all of this will end..
Ok Easter Sunday is just like a few hours away...as usual I will be doing another thing I do best, that is being a sound man for the church service. And this time round the band is really huge, 10 instruments and 4 vocals, plue 2 CD channels...Easter Sunday has always been special to me...since the day I became a Christian, as it was on Easter itself that I became a Christian, and this one is no excpetion, in fact it is even more special this time round. This is my 10th anniversary, I look back and see the past 10 years of my life and boy have I changed a lot...from student to leader to soldier and now working life...but my spritual life has changed as well...how have I gorwn...Well...only God knows...
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
The man with the silver boots....
Wow Wow Wee....I've got a new toy again....hahahhahaha...
I new pair of soccer boots and its sliver in colour... that is sooooo cool, or should I say cooool.ness?
Its the last pair on the shelf so I got it for a discount, and its a pair of Adidas, can be bent 90 degrees and only weights 200g per side, and it cost less than $60 bucks...man..I can't wait to play with it. What happened to my old boots? Well, when your pair of boots started with 12 studs and after 5 years later its left with 7, I think its really time to change it....
Now that I think of it, its sliver, it matches my other toy; my iPod... hahahaha...this is really cool man...
Ok ok enough of the boot and sliver thingy...what have I been doing these few days, I've finally found sometime to slow down my life and go back to doing the things I like to do, chil out, have fun and do some programming...YES, one of the things I love to do it programming, sound wired, but its really true..
Enough of that for now, glad I can have this time to relax and got back to normal life for now...enjoy it my friends I'm sure we all will enjoy life...
I new pair of soccer boots and its sliver in colour... that is sooooo cool, or should I say cooool.ness?
Its the last pair on the shelf so I got it for a discount, and its a pair of Adidas, can be bent 90 degrees and only weights 200g per side, and it cost less than $60 bucks...man..I can't wait to play with it. What happened to my old boots? Well, when your pair of boots started with 12 studs and after 5 years later its left with 7, I think its really time to change it....
Now that I think of it, its sliver, it matches my other toy; my iPod... hahahaha...this is really cool man...
Ok ok enough of the boot and sliver thingy...what have I been doing these few days, I've finally found sometime to slow down my life and go back to doing the things I like to do, chil out, have fun and do some programming...YES, one of the things I love to do it programming, sound wired, but its really true..
Enough of that for now, glad I can have this time to relax and got back to normal life for now...enjoy it my friends I'm sure we all will enjoy life...
I was just thinking....
hmm look like I finally have some time to do a proper post here... I was just thinking someimes it really hard to say things, I mean looking at the way things are in this world, it not easy to tell someone, you love him/her, fire someone, or sometimes just a simple "no".
But it is easy to say "I hate you" or "Get lost" or "I don't ever want to see you again". Why is sometimes easier to say things that hurt rather than say things that can confort or brihten someone's day? Are things in this world just the way it is? Maybe yes maybe no...but the truth is who really knows?
Take a walk down the street and there isn't a single sole walking around who doesen't have something inside him/she waiting to be said....it can be always the same thing or it can be different.
It hurts to have something in you, something that you can't say or find it difficult to say. To a friend, to a parent or to a child.
Am I speaking in riddles or do I really have something inside of me waiting to burst? Who really knows?.....
But it is easy to say "I hate you" or "Get lost" or "I don't ever want to see you again". Why is sometimes easier to say things that hurt rather than say things that can confort or brihten someone's day? Are things in this world just the way it is? Maybe yes maybe no...but the truth is who really knows?
Take a walk down the street and there isn't a single sole walking around who doesen't have something inside him/she waiting to be said....it can be always the same thing or it can be different.
It hurts to have something in you, something that you can't say or find it difficult to say. To a friend, to a parent or to a child.
Am I speaking in riddles or do I really have something inside of me waiting to burst? Who really knows?.....
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Totally Stressed out..but still going on....
ARHHH!!! this is bad man, do you know too much stress make you grow old faster, I mean like you get wrinkles more easily...now I must look for somewhere to get a facial...
I hate it when people don't read instructions and ask all sorts of questions, whats wrong with the world now a days...
Do your job, don't aspect me to do it for you. If you don't know read up, thats your job.... I can't some people just get this logic right?!
Still going on, will just for the fun or it, here my very own 10 list on coping with stress...
1. Sleep
2. Do some sports, something that makes you sweat it out...
3. Do something you like, go out with your girlfriend/boyfirend or something....
4. Look into space and start stoning
5. Watch "Happy Tree Friends"
6. Watch "Da Ali G show"
7. Get lost somewhere
8. Do something stupid, like think of punishments for suicide bomber
9. Go shopping for useless things e.g. Guys shopping for female jeans
10. Update your blog...
The above list is mentioned just for fun, I will not be held responsible for anybody who does those things and end up in woodbridge or something..
I hate it when people don't read instructions and ask all sorts of questions, whats wrong with the world now a days...
Do your job, don't aspect me to do it for you. If you don't know read up, thats your job.... I can't some people just get this logic right?!
Still going on, will just for the fun or it, here my very own 10 list on coping with stress...
1. Sleep
2. Do some sports, something that makes you sweat it out...
3. Do something you like, go out with your girlfriend/boyfirend or something....
4. Look into space and start stoning
5. Watch "Happy Tree Friends"
6. Watch "Da Ali G show"
7. Get lost somewhere
8. Do something stupid, like think of punishments for suicide bomber
9. Go shopping for useless things e.g. Guys shopping for female jeans
10. Update your blog...
The above list is mentioned just for fun, I will not be held responsible for anybody who does those things and end up in woodbridge or something..
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Its been a long time....
Wow, itts been a long time since I've posted anything...so what have I been doing?
Oh I'm been dating a lot recently...going out with this girl, that girl, most of them girls really, but I don't mind dating guys...REALLY...I won't mind, you know, like they always say..."something new for a change"....
Hahaha...gotcha..!!! It not ture...hahaha, fooling of you didn't I. (The above section is just for those "bah guah" people who read my blog trying to find juicy things about me....)
I've not been dating anybody, in fact I don't even have the time to date now a days. I'm actually working; spending so much time work that sometimes I don't even have anytime to do the things I want to do... this my friends can be really sad...
What have I been working as? Well, consultant and server administrator, 2 job for the pay of 1, thanks to some mad person who is totally useless at the organisation...*ass*... I mean like why can't the server stay right for once? I've just fixed it can it be left alone? Why is it going wrong all the time?!?! ARGH damn idiots!! I'm like always left with a pile of work everytime I go there...
OIII!!! can I have a break for once? Is it possible for those idiots to know what to do and how to do it, rather than wait for me or call me? Enough is enough man, why why why...argh...I'm starting to think I really need to go a date sometimes just to get a beather....ermmm any takers? Ladies? ermmm Guy???
Oh I'm been dating a lot recently...going out with this girl, that girl, most of them girls really, but I don't mind dating guys...REALLY...I won't mind, you know, like they always say..."something new for a change"....
Hahaha...gotcha..!!! It not ture...hahaha, fooling of you didn't I. (The above section is just for those "bah guah" people who read my blog trying to find juicy things about me....)
I've not been dating anybody, in fact I don't even have the time to date now a days. I'm actually working; spending so much time work that sometimes I don't even have anytime to do the things I want to do... this my friends can be really sad...
What have I been working as? Well, consultant and server administrator, 2 job for the pay of 1, thanks to some mad person who is totally useless at the organisation...*ass*... I mean like why can't the server stay right for once? I've just fixed it can it be left alone? Why is it going wrong all the time?!?! ARGH damn idiots!! I'm like always left with a pile of work everytime I go there...
OIII!!! can I have a break for once? Is it possible for those idiots to know what to do and how to do it, rather than wait for me or call me? Enough is enough man, why why why...argh...I'm starting to think I really need to go a date sometimes just to get a beather....ermmm any takers? Ladies? ermmm Guy???
Sunday, February 06, 2005
Rock Climbing and Soccer.....phew....
This was a crazy weekend rock climbing yesterday and 3hrs of soccer today....and all this under the sun which happends to be crazily hot these couple of days...
Wow...Rock climbing was a blast, however doing it with a flu, has caused me to be un-able to make it pass more that half of the wall...this is sad man, it fustrating you're climbing and yet in your mind you know, under normal conditions you can make it to the top, but your stupid sickness just won't allow you the wee bit more of strenght to do it....and the feeling really sucks...
Further more we where unable to use more than half the handles on the rock wall, not because we couldn't reach them, but they where just too freaking damn hot to hold on to...OUCH!!...
Today it was soccer, again playing with a flu, but since my position is a goal keeper, so it rather ok, than came the sun again... it felt like a human BBQ, at least the player are running around, but I was like standing there getting fried/baked...
It's really a long time since our church got together to start a youth team once again, and its not going to be just today, there will be much more to come.
HAha, all the guys from SA preformed and most of us scored at least 1 goal, haha all the ACS guys did not even score.... = P
Wow...Rock climbing was a blast, however doing it with a flu, has caused me to be un-able to make it pass more that half of the wall...this is sad man, it fustrating you're climbing and yet in your mind you know, under normal conditions you can make it to the top, but your stupid sickness just won't allow you the wee bit more of strenght to do it....and the feeling really sucks...
Further more we where unable to use more than half the handles on the rock wall, not because we couldn't reach them, but they where just too freaking damn hot to hold on to...OUCH!!...
Today it was soccer, again playing with a flu, but since my position is a goal keeper, so it rather ok, than came the sun again... it felt like a human BBQ, at least the player are running around, but I was like standing there getting fried/baked...
It's really a long time since our church got together to start a youth team once again, and its not going to be just today, there will be much more to come.
HAha, all the guys from SA preformed and most of us scored at least 1 goal, haha all the ACS guys did not even score.... = P
Monday, January 31, 2005
The sun, The sand, the babes, Youth ministry and me.
This is a late post, but I can't help it, I was too tired yesterday....
Well, it was one of those Youth Ministry outing we had again, this time it was at Sentosa, I've always tought of having bible study on the beach, but it seems like after all our games, we're just too tired to anything after that.
So we just sat around talking, eat, look at guys, look at girls, play beach soccer...
The games where fun, but most of the time I was just trying to get myself wet to have an excuse to take my shirt off(for a better tanning effect). And Why is it always me, why am I always the Toupok victim?!
Beach soccer lesson number 1, don't ever try to curl a ball covered with sand, it hurts man, the effect looks good, a ball spinning around with sand all over it, but hitting it with that much force and sliding your feet along the side of it, can cut your own feet, never ever do that...
Last lets end with a question.. WHY WHY WHY can somebody please tell me WHY, girls can look at guys and give comments, when guys can't look at girls and give comments, guys can't even look at guys and give comments.... WHATS wrong with women now a days....? Tell me! = P
Well, it was one of those Youth Ministry outing we had again, this time it was at Sentosa, I've always tought of having bible study on the beach, but it seems like after all our games, we're just too tired to anything after that.
So we just sat around talking, eat, look at guys, look at girls, play beach soccer...
The games where fun, but most of the time I was just trying to get myself wet to have an excuse to take my shirt off(for a better tanning effect). And Why is it always me, why am I always the Toupok victim?!
Beach soccer lesson number 1, don't ever try to curl a ball covered with sand, it hurts man, the effect looks good, a ball spinning around with sand all over it, but hitting it with that much force and sliding your feet along the side of it, can cut your own feet, never ever do that...
Last lets end with a question.. WHY WHY WHY can somebody please tell me WHY, girls can look at guys and give comments, when guys can't look at girls and give comments, guys can't even look at guys and give comments.... WHATS wrong with women now a days....? Tell me! = P
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Work Work Work....
ARHHH!!!! 1 whole day of work and still another to come, why why why....
There will always seem to be an endless list of problems when you're working with servers, why can't they just stay up and don't go down or have any problems after 1 configuration. Its always, website not up, email getting lost, files not on backup, directories missing through transfer of data, or the champion of all problems, server just won't start for no reason....
Wah Lau A!!!!! PMS also not so bad right!!
So is auotmation really better for mankind??? Sometimes I just don't seem to get why, machines just refuse to work properly and of course same goes for people who just simply can't understand situations before blasting off...
I really can't help it cause its my job, this world is really lack of love, even machines are taking it out on us, this is sad man....I just hope life can be a bit more loving and peaceful... = (
There will always seem to be an endless list of problems when you're working with servers, why can't they just stay up and don't go down or have any problems after 1 configuration. Its always, website not up, email getting lost, files not on backup, directories missing through transfer of data, or the champion of all problems, server just won't start for no reason....
Wah Lau A!!!!! PMS also not so bad right!!
So is auotmation really better for mankind??? Sometimes I just don't seem to get why, machines just refuse to work properly and of course same goes for people who just simply can't understand situations before blasting off...
I really can't help it cause its my job, this world is really lack of love, even machines are taking it out on us, this is sad man....I just hope life can be a bit more loving and peaceful... = (
Monday, January 24, 2005
New Template
Ok its finally up and done..
My new template, yes the colour theme and everything is still the same, but the layout has totally changed...
How is it done? Well, in my previous post I did mention, that I was reading into the code and trying to figure out every single line of it, well thats what I did.
Read the code, isolated lines which I don't need and rearranging the whole layout, fitting in the required code to maintaine the colour theme and there, you get this...
Ok ok so who's layout and template was this inspired from, well go to the friends of mind section and you'll know, Michelle Tng, Joshua Chew(old template) and LiJun. And yes, I did read and understand their template codes as well. So thanks guys.
My new template, yes the colour theme and everything is still the same, but the layout has totally changed...
How is it done? Well, in my previous post I did mention, that I was reading into the code and trying to figure out every single line of it, well thats what I did.
Read the code, isolated lines which I don't need and rearranging the whole layout, fitting in the required code to maintaine the colour theme and there, you get this...
Ok ok so who's layout and template was this inspired from, well go to the friends of mind section and you'll know, Michelle Tng, Joshua Chew(old template) and LiJun. And yes, I did read and understand their template codes as well. So thanks guys.
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Still at work....= (
And I am still at work...$%$#%^%#@^&&^**%.....just becuase some stupid person crashed the server at Simei Care Center I am here with a friend of mine working so that the server can be up later today....we've here for 4 hours!!! And no !@$%^&*() is happening, we are cleaning up somebody's @#$%^&*( stupid mess!!!
This is definatelly going into their account for this man, its work past 12 midnight, transport charge, supper charge, time wasted...hack !!!
I'm deifnatelly not in the mood now, if I have to comeback here later in the day and that idiot dosen't say at least a word of "Thank you" I'll kick his !@#$%^&*() and his <>?:"{};'[] for good....
And I am still at work...$%$#%^%#@^&&^**%.....just becuase some stupid person crashed the server at Simei Care Center I am here with a friend of mine working so that the server can be up later today....we've here for 4 hours!!! And no !@$%^&*() is happening, we are cleaning up somebody's @#$%^&*( stupid mess!!!
This is definatelly going into their account for this man, its work past 12 midnight, transport charge, supper charge, time wasted...hack !!!
I'm deifnatelly not in the mood now, if I have to comeback here later in the day and that idiot dosen't say at least a word of "Thank you" I'll kick his !@#$%^&*() and his <>?:"{};'[] for good....
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Big mistake, will never do it again...
Today was a warm sunning and bright, and humit, and warm(I think I said that already), and a great day for jogging...
I just that I made a mistake though...I decided to try jogging with music for a change(maybe its becuase I've been surfing too much on the Apple website, which show most of its phoros with people doing sports with the iPod). So I decided to do my usual 10 round round a stadium which will be about 4km non-stop.
But the problem was when I reached the stadium and turned on the music, the first song was Vertigo by U2, followed by Clocks by Cold play, the songs where going fast and slow and in no time I lost my own pace...it was like hell man doing 10 rounds round the stadium, when you have already ran out of pace in the 5th round...(crap man this sucks)
Anyway I did finish the 10 rounds, but I'm now aching all over...shit i'm never going to do this ever again....
I just that I made a mistake though...I decided to try jogging with music for a change(maybe its becuase I've been surfing too much on the Apple website, which show most of its phoros with people doing sports with the iPod). So I decided to do my usual 10 round round a stadium which will be about 4km non-stop.
But the problem was when I reached the stadium and turned on the music, the first song was Vertigo by U2, followed by Clocks by Cold play, the songs where going fast and slow and in no time I lost my own pace...it was like hell man doing 10 rounds round the stadium, when you have already ran out of pace in the 5th round...(crap man this sucks)
Anyway I did finish the 10 rounds, but I'm now aching all over...shit i'm never going to do this ever again....
Friday, January 14, 2005
Spring cleaning... = (
Why why why, why must we do spring cleaning....it can be such a bother....
Ok just did mine today, 3 hours of solid cleaning and S.H.E. music, now my room is finally what I wanted sine the day I moved in...although it does look a bit gay after all the stuffed toys and electrical appliences (e.g. Computer, PS2..etc) blends in with this pink room of mine, however as the saying goes, I'm as "gay" as it gets and and yet I'm straight, hahaha... =P
New additions to my room, all the chrisitan stationary that I dared not use, whats the point of keeping them, I should just use them, after all the verses on it reminds me of God's words, all the more I should display them and use them. A time capsule, in it are my, sceondary school name tag, secondary school bag, CCA bage, RSAF crest, a neo print with my friends dated 10/9/99, and a friendship band. (maybe I should put my S.H.E concert ticket in it as well).
Ok now its a peaceful little room with minimal forgien objects in it....its time to sit back and enjoy more S.H.E. music....
Just to let you guys know, previously I only pack up my room if my girlfriend is coming to my place, however this time, I just some how or rather take a change of environment, its not about a new girlfriend or something, I still want to enjoy my single life...
Ok just did mine today, 3 hours of solid cleaning and S.H.E. music, now my room is finally what I wanted sine the day I moved in...although it does look a bit gay after all the stuffed toys and electrical appliences (e.g. Computer, PS2..etc) blends in with this pink room of mine, however as the saying goes, I'm as "gay" as it gets and and yet I'm straight, hahaha... =P
New additions to my room, all the chrisitan stationary that I dared not use, whats the point of keeping them, I should just use them, after all the verses on it reminds me of God's words, all the more I should display them and use them. A time capsule, in it are my, sceondary school name tag, secondary school bag, CCA bage, RSAF crest, a neo print with my friends dated 10/9/99, and a friendship band. (maybe I should put my S.H.E concert ticket in it as well).
Ok now its a peaceful little room with minimal forgien objects in it....its time to sit back and enjoy more S.H.E. music....
Just to let you guys know, previously I only pack up my room if my girlfriend is coming to my place, however this time, I just some how or rather take a change of environment, its not about a new girlfriend or something, I still want to enjoy my single life...
Sunday, January 09, 2005
S.H.E. Concert
Just can back from the S.H.E concert, well, the concert was good, but the sound pretty much sucked....
I enjoyed every part of it and video about 15seconds of every song, and will be making a small how video with it. But the sound can be improved, or should I say it had better be improved, imagine you buy the most expensive tickets and sit near you favrioute stars, and when they are singing half way, the mic can die and you can hear feedback coming from the speakers...what is this....Unusual Productions please wake up your idea, cause the sound did not do justice to the performance.
Other than that, the whole place was pretty much electrifiying, light sticks, posters, spoung hands, were everywhere, and S.H.E was great would have enjoyed it a lot more if not for the sound...
I enjoyed every part of it and video about 15seconds of every song, and will be making a small how video with it. But the sound can be improved, or should I say it had better be improved, imagine you buy the most expensive tickets and sit near you favrioute stars, and when they are singing half way, the mic can die and you can hear feedback coming from the speakers...what is this....Unusual Productions please wake up your idea, cause the sound did not do justice to the performance.
Other than that, the whole place was pretty much electrifiying, light sticks, posters, spoung hands, were everywhere, and S.H.E was great would have enjoyed it a lot more if not for the sound...
Friday, January 07, 2005
Lesson Learnt
I don't know why, and I don't know how, Somehow or rather God's has taught me another lesson through life...
The more I serve him the more I learn, that why I will not stop serving him, for he is my God...
I was do a sort video for presentation in my church and and the film I was editing to put in was "The Passion of the Christ." It is as sad as it can get, but among all that sadness, there are lseeon to be learnt, and they apply a lot to our daily lives.
So, I shall just skip my story and go to the lesson learnt.
A quote from what Jesus said in the film:
"You have heard it said, you shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. For if you love only those who love you, what reward is there in that?"
The more I serve him the more I learn, that why I will not stop serving him, for he is my God...
I was do a sort video for presentation in my church and and the film I was editing to put in was "The Passion of the Christ." It is as sad as it can get, but among all that sadness, there are lseeon to be learnt, and they apply a lot to our daily lives.
So, I shall just skip my story and go to the lesson learnt.
A quote from what Jesus said in the film:
"You have heard it said, you shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. For if you love only those who love you, what reward is there in that?"
Sunday, January 02, 2005
ice cream and pizza and babes..party...
Wow...today was a blast, just as the title says, its pizza for lunch, ice cream for dessert and ermm yah lunch with a few babes around you....(just incase nobody knows what babes are, their girls there are either really cute or pretty)
We had four extra large pizzas, 3 tubs of ice cream, and a whole afternoon of games and movies..it just can't get any better, hei its the last day of the holidays..not that I have to go to school or something, but lets just waste it playing and slacking..
Thank you all those people who came, had a really great time, I hope everybody will able to sleep tonight, and not overwhelmed by fun.
Well fun was fun, tomorrow will be another day of work for me, just hope I can finish doing my programming, its a big project and really don't want to let expectations down. More and more projects will be coming and well time management will be more important now...looks like this is what life is really like after I've completed NS.
It is of course more freedom, but somehow or rather seems a bit more stressed, of course fun will always come after stress...
And hei, with a bunch of friends and babes like this, I've got all the fun and happiness I need. Thanks people knowing me and being my friends all this while...hope we remain the same in the years to come..(minus the growing up)
We had four extra large pizzas, 3 tubs of ice cream, and a whole afternoon of games and movies..it just can't get any better, hei its the last day of the holidays..not that I have to go to school or something, but lets just waste it playing and slacking..
Thank you all those people who came, had a really great time, I hope everybody will able to sleep tonight, and not overwhelmed by fun.
Well fun was fun, tomorrow will be another day of work for me, just hope I can finish doing my programming, its a big project and really don't want to let expectations down. More and more projects will be coming and well time management will be more important now...looks like this is what life is really like after I've completed NS.
It is of course more freedom, but somehow or rather seems a bit more stressed, of course fun will always come after stress...
And hei, with a bunch of friends and babes like this, I've got all the fun and happiness I need. Thanks people knowing me and being my friends all this while...hope we remain the same in the years to come..(minus the growing up)
Saturday, January 01, 2005
New Year FUN!!!! and a new chain...=D
New year's eve was great man, spent most of the morning working though, I had to program this count down timer for a dinner function held at Equinox, althought it was a rather last minute thing, but it was fun.
Well, for those who don't know me well, now you know I love programming, and its my Job.
Well the day didn't just end like that, I mean working and resting on new year's eve would be raher "sad", so I went to a party at night, yes it was a count down party as well, at Tiff's place, take a rather empty house, fill it with people, good food, a majong set, a PS2, a couple of Vodka shots and lots of DVDs, you get one hell of a party....
And goodness we played and talked crap till 6am...and only woke up the next day at 1pm(thanks Josh for helping me test out the new WE11 formation), and this only half the story....the next day was shopping day...
Its the NEW YEAR SALE!!!, I bought more new clothes, and yes of course...a new chain to go with my jeans, that makes 2 now, but I think its enough...this new year was one of the most fun ones, wished things in live could always be this fun...
Well, for those who don't know me well, now you know I love programming, and its my Job.
Well the day didn't just end like that, I mean working and resting on new year's eve would be raher "sad", so I went to a party at night, yes it was a count down party as well, at Tiff's place, take a rather empty house, fill it with people, good food, a majong set, a PS2, a couple of Vodka shots and lots of DVDs, you get one hell of a party....
And goodness we played and talked crap till 6am...and only woke up the next day at 1pm(thanks Josh for helping me test out the new WE11 formation), and this only half the story....the next day was shopping day...
Its the NEW YEAR SALE!!!, I bought more new clothes, and yes of course...a new chain to go with my jeans, that makes 2 now, but I think its enough...this new year was one of the most fun ones, wished things in live could always be this fun...
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