Thursday, September 21, 2006

Back into the fray

Some week ends I had.....

It was interesting though, this post is about the weekend and I'm only writing about at the end of the week strange....

First on the list saturday "Toowomba flower festivel", I can sense some guys going "wah lau Flowers leys....Daniel you ok or not?" Hei guys chill man, I'm cool with it...I wasen't really there for the flowers...I was there for the chicks...(*bish* ouch..kidding...) I went to it as it was a chance to get away from the busy uni life for a week and its also a sorta "road trip". So it was interesting, not much happening things going on, except for the fact Mel rolled me down a hill and we were stopping and playing at every children's playground we was fun though, lots of fun, the burgers, the rain the ice cream and the "atahs" food (yah man so what if the other table has fire, we've got picking duck). hahahahaha =P
The flowers were nice, although just looking at flowers is not really my cup of tea, but even though there were so many people running and screaming around, somehow I felt at peace when walking around alone among the flowers. Its finally out, I went because I needed a time of reflection.

Sunday, karaok at sunny bank..out of all the people there (15 I think), only 5 were really singing, the rest was just playing a fool (as usual) and 1 person was sleeping....that make 5 singers, 9 monkeys and 1 sleepy...hehe...sorry just a random thought...yah it was another fun night singing jumping, running away from the air-con, confusing people....the only thing I can think of is that I really need to learn more chinese songs...

Hmmm, back on working week now...this was a very busy week, both my major assignments has stuff to be done and seriously, can we all please pray for more programmers in this word, not just programmers, but good programmers. I'm coding C# till I look retarded, a designer that can code...armed with the technical skills of coding and the concepts of design....
Sometimes you so lost in work that you can actually wake up not know what you're suppose to do...the saddest would be to not even know when you're sleeping or actually are awake....but I've not reached that stage yet. So since when is overseas uni slack?....anyone who say overseas uni is slack deserves to be shot....

Ok back to work...and this is for Josh and Jem, please pray for me as well, I'll be treaching in OCF on friday, teaching as in stand in front and teach....the topic is IBS, so yah, this is my first time doing it and I really have no idea what to lets just see how it goes...

P.S. Jeremy its not my fault if the Newcastle keeper trips over himself and can't stop a half field lob.....

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