Monday, September 04, 2006

Ok it's been 1 month

Yap....1 full month of not posting.... now I fianlly got my butt of and found sometime to actually post something here....

First of all, I'm not bitching, but don't any of you really think the layout of my blog sucks??? After re-thinking through the site layout, and considering certain factor I failed to consider before, I think it really does suck..... wow...and to call myself a web designer.... damn academia....

Alright now for the juicy stuff...I've decided to turn gay.....BULLSHIT!!! I am....that was just kidding...I just mucking around a little...
Seriously if anybody think I'm going to post anything about my already complicated and patatic love live, forget about sucks just thinking about it....

Ok the past month was very some of you know, I've managed to pick up my 20th programming language and I stuck the jackpot this time, having already known C++ and Java, there is only one other programming language I can progress to and thats C#. I'm using C# combined with a bit of scripting for my games programming now, its pretty tough, but yah I'm managing well, hopefully....

Next big highlight...OCF... I've been to a lot of OCF activities lately, don't know why, but yah more than the usual, I seem to be not allowing the fact that I live in Ipswich stop me from traveling to the city ever so often. Ok so what has OCF been doing lately...Mei (our ex-president) has just left for home (home here means Singapore, not heaven), and yah we've had a change of leadership....Go Eunice!!! Just like finally getting down to writing this blog, I've finally gotten down to designing the OCF UQ website, I won't say its bad, just very out dated...and just to give a hit, its not going to be a standard HTML website, think director/flash, with a back end programming that is easy to update. I've been teaching in OCF as well or rather as usual, (here is a side track, my gift is NOT teaching, yet I'm able to teach well enough...why?) I've benn offered the chance to do the website for OCF Australia as that is really overwhelming, I'll need sometime to think about that, but yah knowning me I'll most proberly end up doing it anyway.

OCF has orgainsed several outings lately...Mei's farewell party...which I must highlight was fun, also because of the fact my team (Eunice and Ken) won in carnium (some aussie IQ game, hei we're smart ok!). We had the "River Fire" 30 minutes of non-stop fire works in sync with music which was down at the Brisbane river....step aside NDP, Aaron and Michelle's 6th annversary of being together...yes 6th, they've been together for 6 their not married yet, but 6 years...thats a lot man. The longest relationship I've had was 6 months I think...I've also stepped up and volunteered myself to either lead song or be a musician for OCF, yes guys (for those of you back home), my guitar is finally coming to Australia. The only sad thing is...its not the S&P one, there is enough trouble bringing a wooden artical into Australia and I'm not risking $700 on that.

My studies have been going rather well as of late, my "High distingtion drought" is finally over, and I've got a gut feeling I might have gotten 3 out of 3 high distingtions for the first assignment of all 3 modules....when I take a step back and think, could thing be God way of saying..."Don't worry, just pressing on and serve..I'll take care of the rest"...

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