Touring around with my mom and sis who came to visit......well just a lot happened.... Mt Coo more food..."Shan Tong Chicken..."
Hmmm....however I had to go through this holiday with a bit of trouble....I don't know why but I was frustrated over something I don't know...maybe it had something to do with direction, maybe it had something to do with purpose, maybe it had something to do with will...I just don't know....
Today was no different.. I woke up and mom and sis left last night to I woke up to a rather un-usual but normal feeling. Than I just remembered I need to buy some Christian stationery....and this was how today became the most interesting day of my holiday...a day I spent alone (maybe not alone considering God being there all the time) but I did have a choice... So lets check out this chapter....a 4 hour road trip on foot...

This is the back of the train station, one of the lesser travelled streets in ipswich. Road trip starts here.

This is how west ipswich looks like, rather boring I guess...

This is the ending corner of west ipswich, it dosen't really seem interesting here, so I decided to turn back and head for "Brassall"

Wow, a bus stop...yah the only bus stop in west ipswich...

"Burnett Street" this is towards the end of west ipswich, they were having some sand bike competition there yah it was happening behind me.

"Ipswich Grammer School" located just on the outskirts of Brassall...

Good old "Brassall" you can even find a crain there...

Ever wondered what that doggy sign was right between the railway at the back of woolworths...well...sorry I didn't take a good enough picture to be able to read it....

This is the poluted side of the river, they happen to be building some "high class apartments" beside it.

"Mount Crosby", you mean there is actually a mountain somewhere in ipswich???

This is the first sign you'll see right after you cross "that" bridge in ipswich...does it look familar Judy?

I can't cross this field due to the fence, but that chapel sure looks nice from here...

Hei a wedding.....Eunice!!! look their not only having weddings in the city...they are weddings here in ipswich as well.....ARH!!!!!!!!! The wedding band is following me...!!!! get away from me you married couples...I'm happy being single(for now)...arh!!!!!

Just a random street, but yah this makes the other side of "North Ipswich" or rather I was walking around "Browns Park"

"Fitzgibbon Street" I just thought the name sounded rather weird, but yah I stop by at petrol station nearby.

My first rest point...needed a drink.

"Browns Park" the other park that can be found in ipswich other than "Queens park".

This marks the end of the normal roads and well...going any further will be the road to "Toowoomba" lets just say if I had carried on walking, the next landmark would be that "big red elephant."

"Smith Street" or rather "Telegraph Street" the first street from the express way.

If any OCFer's remember this spot, this is the spot which Jon stopped , to wait for the last car (Judy) just after we exit the express way from Toowoomba. And yah, it is a pet shop. I came down the car to tell Eunice we were waiting for Judy, and soon after Louis came along and parked in front of us, not too long after that Judy finally appeared and we just droved off....(arh ha...beat that for memory)

This was my lunch...Hei I got to stop once in a while...I'm not superman you know...

Wow..a canon not something you get to see everyday, but yah we have some memorial thingy for soilders in ipswich...

"Flint Street" this is where the ipswich people will have to take our driving test.

This is the view from the top of the bridge.

The "David Trumpy Bridge" you know that long long thing to the other side of ipswich

Ever Wondered what the name of the river in ipswich was..well this is it...
I walk in one direction
I headed back in the opposite direction
I could see myself
An image, an im-perfect image, an im-perfect self
I couldn't see You, were You there?
Were You with me?
Was I with You?
But I know...You were there and You are here...
The reason I only saw 1, was because
It was too hard to walk...
I couldn't do it alone, and yet...
I only saw one
Because You carried me through
You were there all along....
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